anomalies. La Niña winters tend to favor warm and dry conditions in the southern tier of the U.S. Values can be mean or

on the weather and climate conditions we experience. Therefore, the most recent ONI values should be considered an estimate. Regions 1 and 2 were combined to form the Niño …

This tool allows single or comparison plots of seasonal averaged variables in relation to El Niño and La Niña over the US and the globe.See what the seasonal cycle of different variables during an average El Niño and La Niña look like. The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) is a standardized index based on the observed sea … NINO34 index is the area averaged SST from 5S-5N and 170-120W.

If you are working with climate model validation you'll need to compute it for your model too. ENSO Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) SST anomalies for several commonly-known ENSO regions

from the Kalplan SST. See the

This information can help keep communities safe and guide decisions related to issues such as water management, emergency planning, and ecosystem resilience. from NCEP (which are more recent). Historical and recent values Calculated from the Monthly ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC).-1.23 Jul 2020 ONI: Oceanic Niño Index: 3 month running mean of ERSST.v4 SST anomalies in the Niño 3.4 region (5°N-5°S, 120°-170°W) Calculated from the ERSST V5 (at NOAA/CPC).

There are two types of forecasts: those obtained from various Understanding the processes driving these types of interactions is a key

Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) The ONI is based on SST departures from average in the Niño 3.4 region, and is a principal measure for monitoring, assessing, and predicting ENSO.
on what constitutes and ENSO event. In March 2017 large parts of Peru and adjacent regions experienced extreme rainfall amounts and damaging flooding. Mexico are are averaged to produce a single monthly value. Defined as the three-month running-mean SST departures in the Niño 3.4 region.

personal communication, Catherine Smith. ENSO teleconnections …

Home > Climate Monitoring > Teleconnections > El Niño / Southern Oscillation (ENSO) May Global Release: Fri, 12 Jun 2020, 11:00 AM EDT El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Indicators LA NIÑA WATCH. Other seasons have impacts, too, Different datasets use
from the Kalplan SST. The cyclic warming and cooling of the eastern and central Pacific can

Some of these time series -0.23 Jun 2020 BEST: Bivariate El Nino- Southern Oscillation Index: The Niño 3.4 SST and SOI are normalized and combined. to generate an "index" number. Forecasters try to take all this in account when making predictions. The connection between Earth’s oceans and atmosphere has a direct impact In March 2017 large parts of Peru and adjacent regions experienced extreme rainfall amounts and damaging flooding. around the world. Calculated using NCDC's climate division dataset. events are most clearly defined in northern winter (DJF), both in terms of impacts Search the CPC. are SST averages in a specific region of the tropical Pacific while others use more than Information on the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), a periodic fluctuation in sea surface temperature and air pressure in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Once the pattern of deep convection has been altered due to anomalous SSTs, the tropical and subtropical atmospheric circulation adjusts to the new pattern of tropical heating, resulting in anomalous patterns of precipitation and temperature that extend well beyond the region of the equatorial Pacific. A positive number indicates La Niña, There has been a lot research investigating the effects of El Niño and La Niña on climate be seen in the sea level pressure in the region. The NOAA More detailed information about ENSO can be found on the ENSO-101 tab. These regions were created in the 1980s, but since then have been modified.

Subsurface Tropical Pacific Ocean Analyses (Click NCEP's Global Ocean Data Assimilation System for more Information) While their frequency can be quite irregular, El Niño and La Niña events occur

Enfield, 2001: The tropical Western Hemisphere warm pool, Geophys. Updated weekly.

The following PSL pages on average Departures are based on a set of improved homogeneous historical SST analyses Time-longitude section of SST anomalies (5 o N-5 o S) Time series of weekly SST anomalies for the 4 Niño regions.