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Similarities among flags can make memorizing them difficult. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
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This flag quiz game tests you on 38 of the most recognizable flags in Europe, but they’re not exactly what you’d call unique.
You can download and print the publications on this website yourself.If you want to know about what the EU does, how it all started and how it works, or if you want to debate EU policies more in details, you’ll find plenty of inspiration here.Use the search function on the left to search by topics, age group and type of material.Do you want to play a puzzle about EU countries or EU languages?
... Learning Corner; Match the landmarks; Match the landmarks. Con motivo de esta festividad, os dejamos unos enlaces de juegos muy divertidos para que investiguéis y aprendáis más sobre Europa.
Thomas Koch T +43 5512 2438
Mache die Aufgabe Schritt für Schritt (1-5).
Each has a different history, geography and culture. 2. Hier findest du zwei Europa-Karten, die dir bei der Bearbeitung der Aufgaben helfen werden.
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��}m�džȉ��1�t0yr�т��5կ�#T�+F��n�'��p���o ג[\n�I�o&C'��̲I����^KP'x��b�sxU("��fZ�!J��/(1+�*Q�����c}�4�2�O=�[p�}:�Pe�4"� 4 EUROPE DIRECT regularly provide local media and multipliers with relevant information and content on EU policies and priorities and involve them in their activities with the public. You can also print out a giant map of Europe to colour in!Take a trip back in time to discover important moments in history, inventions, major events in sport and society and more… many of which made the EU what it is today.This online quiz has been created for secondary school pupils to help them understand the basics about the EU. bienvenidos! el objetivo de este blog es mostraros algunos de los recursos que usaremos en la secciÓn bilingÜe, asÍ como en inglÉs, durante la etapa de infantil.
Help us improve! It can be played as part of a lesson or as homework. Mache die Aufgabe Schritt für Schritt (1-5). In this issue: Cedefop’s 2018 European skills forecast: present thoughts on future skills; Austria’s Minister for Education Heinz Faßmann and Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs Margarete Schramböck on future vocational education and training (VET) challenges in their country and Europe in general; VET students and teachers in Vienna speak about a world of opportunities Not sure which double-headed eagle is Albanian, and which is Montenegrin? Germany’s First Lady Elke Büdenbender talks about equal participation for a more equitable society and how women can break through the glass ceiling in the STEM fields; Dir. Test your knowledge in a board game – play alone or challenge classmates.Full of interesting facts and colourful illustrations, this booklet gives a lively overview of Europe and explains briefly what the EU is and how it works.Each of the 27 EU countries has its own flag. This slide presentation will help you explain the basics of the EU, prepare the ground for discussions, and give you tips on how to stay in touch with the EU. EU Bookshop: Kids’ corner publications A collection dedicated to Europe's younger citizens, using a lighter approach to familiarise them with the values and colours of Europe. Mittelschule Egg Pfister 780 6863 Egg Schulkennzahl 802082. 2 0 obj
Version: 1.0.12 Last modified: Mon Jul 06 2020 07:51:50 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) welcome! <>
You can use it along with our Two children take a trip around Europe, buying souvenirs for their Grandma on the way.
The May 2020 issue of Skillset and match, Cedefop’s magazine promoting learning for work, is now available to read and download. Oświadczenie o ochronie prywatności Or both? 3 0 obj
Task 4: The EU in schools EUROPE DIRECT connect with schools in their catchment area4 and promote official EU learning material, such as that contained in the Learning Corner5, the Parliament’s Education and learning webpage6 and any other official material produced by the EU institutions. Bringe bitte deine Hausaufgaben am nächsten Präsenztag mit in die Schule! Task 3: Awareness about sensitive EU topics at local level EUROPE DIRECT flag to the Commission Representation any significant concerns and local perception of EU policies or projects on the ground that are likely to Have fun with this dot-to-dot game by helping Grandma work out what they are!The EU has 27 member countries. Du brauchst für diese Aufgabe eine Europa Karte. stream
Home - European Commission. Volume of retail trade up by 5.7% in euro area. Most EU countries, and some non-EU countries, have taken away border controls between their countries. It is made up of four sections, which can be used separately or as a whole.
2. It works on computers, tablets and smartphones.Teaching kit on the European Union to increase awareness among pupils aged 10 and over.What is the European project? Learn what the colours in each flag mean.Click on the European flags and see famous landmarks pop up……each one appears twice!
Państwa uwagi pomogą nam poprawić jakość publikacji! Hier findest du deinen 1. Vergiss bitte nicht, deine Arbeitsblätter in der 1.
... Court of Justice of the European Union; European Central Bank; European Court of Auditors; European External Action Service; European Economic and Social Committee;
Lies den AU genau durch!Trage deine Daten unten ein oder klicke ein Icon um dich einzuloggen:Hier klicken, um über neue Aufgaben und Neuigkeiten benachrichtigt zu werden.