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Fnlton st, 7 rooms, bath, all eonvonkmees, good order; rent $22.
mO LET PART OF HOILS73 WITH B owner, '2uti Adelnhi st. a beautiful third floor, con - B!Min? Thirty - lirat st, or at 2 1 5 Sackett st. TO LET PARTS OF HOUSE - SECOND and third floors iu brown atone block opposite liOng Island depot; G14 Atlantic av; water and watereloset on each floor; papored and frescoed; to desirable parties, $10 and $15 Vail at l,'i4Suth av TO LET - PART OF HOUSE$25 - LOV - fl. the Summer season: 10 rooms, well arranged, nicely nnd completely furnished; centrally locatod for nil points ol interost; near Great South Bay. ME. . 20x40x100; 9 rooms; all improvements; prico ,:i,000; half cash; balauoe at 6 percent. Thtise houses aro all well locatod and in pood order, or will be put bo. . (.SHACK A MOltflvLL, 361 Fulton at. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, some 2.8 million Filipino workers have been reported as affected either through their employer’s adoption of flexible work arrangements or temporary closure of business. Henry A. Moore. P. rjl - Ll'ltO, Hloniague st TO LET - HOUSE - 3 STORY AND BASE - ments, 435, formerly Sot); creat hareain: beautiful shade; Halsy st. cars pass the door.
FIMO CANOPVTOi' SURREY WAGOJf f,r sale ; used butoiico: in jerfect order: also a bay horse, 14 hands, bloody built; a splendid saddle horso; afraid of nothing VAJ Clermont av, neiir Myrtle.
850 Nostni nd av, 3 a b 500 LHingKtjn st, 3 b b s, Pacific st, 3 a b s, a i.. GOO imp Olil b irst sr. J s b s, plate Adolphi st, 3 s b a, a i. Carroll kt, 3 ah s. a i.. T" " 0'LETH()USES - 25 - N6s.
hno LET - PART OF HOUSE ADIRA - H. ble busiuuent floor to a couple without chiHron or mother and S'n; housework ttiken fur ront.
Apply to E. A. O'BHIEN, Seventh av, near Tenth ; t:ike Seventh ay. .
m"6 LET FLAT IN TIIE LACONIA," IN B St. .James placo; 8 rooms, liht and a:ry, steam heat, i'nnit.Ji", all improvc;iisnt ; a perfect tsum ; ius;sr be njon to ie apiireeiatod.
); rented at $1.M0; P' WILLIAM BUIDOli, 13 Willouchhy st, mar Oityjlall. TO LET PARTS OF HOUSES SECOND floor. U02 Hudenn av, nefir Johnson st. mO LETVAUT.S OE HOUSES ELOORS A of five rooms each, on Myrtle av, nor Ryerson st; nart improvements. month; also, third flat of six rooms and Ave rooms on tl:o ton floor, nil in nic? ALL TIIK LATKST STYi.KS OK VEHICLES. B. THORN, Agunt, 302 MontMqJJ CI ONTIN EN J 'A L JNSUKANCE CO. J CORNER OF CtlURT AND MO.NTAGUR ST. Reserve for roinsuranco $2,2C.". OR SALE HOUSES TO CLOSE AN estate 3 story and bnsoment frame house, Halsoy et, near Tompkins av, $4,7 f0; also. 860 Also, some 'very desirable flats, and 16wertand Jippor parts of houBBB, in good looalitios. TJTIOR SALE HOUSE 2 STORY FRAME JL flat house, 11 rooms, windows in all; rent of one floor pays all expens e; price 33,750; 82.000 can remain for three years.
New York. TO LET ROOMS IN 3 STOllY BKOWN stone octagon front. ; Lawienco st. 3 ntry brick, $480; Pineapplu st. $C0O; Prince St. $C00; Jurale - mon st. another, $(')G0; Schemierhjrn st. 13 rooms, fine, $900; Bergen st, anuther.iJOOO; Ciintcn at, another, $KJ0; Dean st, lino 3 stcry briok. 481 Kulton it. VAN81ilt, corner Sackmau and I'ncilic sts. !0 ai - ros. between .Sixth and Seventh ava. '(THO LM; PARfOE'HOUTSE JL floor, thr!e ruoina, $16; alw third floor, four r.ioms, $ld: iikq of b ith, at - itinnary tubs, etc. Inquire ot I'KAKK II. .isiu ... 12 ...18 ... 2;) ... 21 ... 10 . 8 r 420 210 Sterling place, n. Fiathunli av, 2 at ry stone, 8 r 4 - KO 71 Lincoln place, n Sixth av, 3 t.ry E B frame, 9 r. 50 J 21 Decatur st, n Tompkins, 2 aWy stone, U r 500 161 St. Marks av, n. Carlton, 2 story stoi.o, Or 550 338 Clinton st, n. Harrison st. 3 at ,ry K B br, 11 r... 600 177 South Elliott plaae, n Atlantic av, 3 sty br. 107 Now York av, to close an cs - tato; houso. Inquire on tho premises, 114 Penu streot.
nce ot property, i uu iiuuon - . Appjyto (iivnoi - , 680 Wailiington av. Ad dies'; OWNER, 132 JlorksU - yjilace. . $600; Sackett Et, $:00;Wyc - koffat, $300; Pacifio st, $.UD. uaar Bedford, an elegant nnd well built 3 story and bsjement brown st'ne dnelling, 'iOs - iSzlOO; beautifully ficuuoo.i tlllnu'li - ut ; Itard wkx1, cabinet finish to second iloor, with pier niirr - r - in parlor and hall ; lncation iniHur - p - tB?.d:cjn If: bought nt a re.T. TMbRSALE - HOUSES - H STORY FRAME IP ou Lerinirton av. mO LKT H 6 USE 3 5 9 FIFTH ST A JL hands mo 'A story, hiph t; op, brown stono ; elo - Kant order; 10 rooms; 20i - i5tlfl(i: a. TO LET FLATS BY FRY & LYLE, NO. A. P. BA1LLY & BKO.,171 SYashini'ton st. t?iOR SALIHOTSE - 3 STORY, 22X40X f 100; ten minutes from 1"yivai h - dvcry ck icap. II. Five furnished houses, $0 to $75 per month. . LINEN CARRIAGE SHEETS S1.60 LINEN CAiiRIAI. Apply to F. W. OARRUTHEUS, 1,857 Fulton st. ioj v,u - longbby av. Any person wh. with storo and II) rooms; loni( used ns bakory and confectionery; $801) cash : balance ooby. Iha1:ton FOR SALE'; first class in every particular; a bargain. MARTIN UK KEN & SON, No.
TO LET HOUSES VAN BURBN ST ; handsome 2 story and basomont brown stono, swell front. UKOHOK H. BEISKR, 1,001 Fu!ion street. all improvements, $'ir and $40. For circulars and information apply to C. JOHNSTON, 121 Liberty St. T" O" LET HOUSES FURNISHED AND for salo Furnished houses to let at Islin, I,.
- oklTu. IN V 1 cood order: ha movable fr - lit nnd pole and Bhafts; price SlbTi. attic and basement. (jx45xin0; 188 John Ht. Brooklyn and New York gas utocka and bonds. strand, an Orange County t irjn, bloodud stor's, cerri ' - 'es, Ac.