1995: In July, Obama—at age 34—publishes his first memoir, Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.In August, Obama files paperwork to run for incumbent Alice Palmer's Illinois Senate seat. “His life is a testament to getting back up,” she said.

Barack Obama has declared his position on many political issues through his public comments and legislative records. However, the Republican Congress defeated these initiatives, but many states actually did increase their minimum wages, due in part to his support.President Obama's energy policy can be understood by looking at the different investments in clean energy that was evident in the At Andrews Air Force base on March 31, 2010, President Obama announced a "Comprehensive Plan for Energy Security", stating that "moving towards clean energy is about our security. Timeline of Obama's Political Career . Former U.S. president Barack Obama delivered a remarkable eulogy at civil rights icon John Lewis’s funeral on Thursday. And it's about the future of our planet. She laid out a detailed, searing indictment of President Trump — and somehow managed to speak his name just once. “It is what it is.”Surely not by coincidence, “it is what it is” are the very words Trump used in a recent interview to dismiss nearly 170,000 U.S. deaths from the Given the socially distanced nature of the convention, Obama spoke the way everyone speaks these days, alone in a well-decorated room facing a camera. Let us give thanks for sane politicians. They can, she said.“We have got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depend on it,” she said, and that means we have to be prepared to “stand in line all night” at the polls if necessary.She had much praise for Biden’s experience, but even more for his character. President Obama was first inaugurated in January 2009, in the depths of the To address the excesses in the banking sector that precipitated in the 2007-2009 financial crisis, Obama signed into law the 2010 With the economy recovering and major budget legislation behind him, President Obama began shifting to another priority: income and wealth Wealth inequality had also risen similarly, with the share of wealth owned by the Top 1% rising from 24% in 1979 to 36% by 2007.President Obama also tried addressing inequality before taxes (i.e., market income), with infrastructure investment to create middle-class jobs and a federally-mandated increase in the minimum wage. The format played well to her greatest strength: the ability to connect with an audience on a personal level.The speech was less about Trump than about Trumpism — the chaos, the division and the “total and utter lack of empathy” that characterize his method of politics and governance. "Obama's overall foreign policy philosophy has been postulated as the "During that speech, Obama called for an expansion of the In a Washington, D.C., speech entitled "A New Strategy for a New World" She referred to him as “someone” the country had sent to the Oval Office. “No one pushes Joe Biden around,” he said.A perhaps more impactful speech, in terms voter turnout, was given by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the patriarch of the party’s left wing. She spoke of the many failings of “this White House.” It was as if Trump was beneath serious discussion, unworthy of more than passing mention.Finally, about midway through the 18-minute talk — by far the longest of the night — she called him out. It's also about our economy.

He said Trump is “leading us down the path of authoritarianism" and implored his supporters not to sulk but to enthusiastically vote for Biden. The Washington Post Opinions section features opinion articles, newspaper editorials and letters to the editor on the issues of the day. Opinion by .

The Obama Administration stated that its general agenda was to "revive the economy, provide affordable and accessible health care to all, strengthen our public education and social security systems, define a clear path to energy independence and tackle climate change, end the War in Iraqresponsibly and finish our mission in Afghanistan, and work with our allies to prevent Iran from developi…

Her tone was conversational, at times intimate; it was less an oration than a fireside chat. “And he is going to channel that same grit and passion to pick us all up — to help us heal and guide us forward.”The job of a speaker on the first night of a national party convention is to inspire the faithful and set a tone for the rest of the week. Opinion: For someone who says she hates politics, Michelle Obama is a political powerhouse. The covid-19 pandemic eliminated any pretense that this year’s conventions are anything but highly scripted political infomercials.Speakers tonight had no crowd to rouse, no applause to draw energy from, no way to gauge how their orations were being received.