Der augenscheinlichste Unterschied des Berlinamodells war jedoch der wuchtige, von innen einstellbare, Fahreraußenspiegel (nicht beim 76er Sondermodell Maharadscha).Der Sprint war als eigenständiges Modell nicht mehr im Programm. Top seller was the saloon/sedan, available with either 2 or 4 doors. The car was offered with 2/4-door sedan, notchback coupe, station wagon body shapes between the years 1972 and 1977. Die Cookie-Einstellungen auf dieser Website sind auf "Cookies zulassen" eingestellt, um das beste Surferlebnis zu ermöglichen. Lights / Mirrors (0) Alles ber Opel Commodore B und Rekord D, Clubtreffen, Forum, Bilder, Infos The new Rekord again came with a wide range of body types. They were available as four-door saloon or estate. Early advertising and press material called the new car the "Opel Rekord II" but in due course, th… South Africa used this body type for their Chevrolet 2500, 3800 and 4100 series. The braking configuration was also essentially that from the previous Rekord, with a dual circuit hydraulically controlled system along with the brake servo as before, with the addition, on larger engined versions, of a brake force limiter for the rear brakes. In very limited numbers, While the Rekord B consisted of only a mild facelift compared to the A, it received Opel's new, more oversquare four-cylinder CIH (cam in head) engines (1500, 1700 S, 1900 S). Between 1953 and 1986, approximately ten million were sold. & 12.10 2014Mit ca. Between 1953 and 1986, approximately ten million were sold. Autenrieth continued to sell a handful of convertibles at DM 11,635. The Rekord D was heavier than the Rekord C and the previous model's 1492 cc engine was no longer offered. Zu dessen Einführung (beim Diesel etwas früher) wurde die Bremsanlage an der Vorderachse bei allen Modellen verstärkt.Der oft kritisierte Wischerschalter unter den Instrumenten wird gegen eine Schaltereinheit an der Lenksäule ausgetauschtUm 1 mm dickere Scheibenbremsen für die Dieselmodelle, Holzimitat am Armaturenbrett, kürzere hintere SeitenschutzleisteEinführung der luxuriösen Berlina-Ausstattung mit Feinveloursitzstoffen in schwarz, beige, rot und blau, 2000S lieferbar und damit verstärkte Scheibenbremsen vorne für alle Modelle, neue Sitzbezüge „schwarz-weiß Hahnentritt“ und „beige-braun Hahnentritt“ neu im Programm bei Grundmodell und L, neue Motorenpalette, neue Innenfarben, Wegfall Lenkradschaltung und Gummibodenbelag bei Grundmodell. 1,3 Millionen produzierten Fahrzeugen (inkl. The "Caravan" wagon was originally not available with the diesel engine, but a five-door diesel estate was added to the lineup at the 1973 For certain export market, notably Italy, where the 2-litre engine size was a critical threshold in terms of car tax rates, a smaller diesel unit became available towards the end of the Rekord D's production run.

At launch the Rekord D, like all previous Rekords, came only with a range of petrol/gasoline engines. Durch die weitere Nutzung der Seite stimmst du der Verwendung von Cookies zu.

There was concern that incorporating the letter "D" might confuse customers in a country where "D" at the end of the name of a "Mercedes-Benz" denoted a diesel engine. Opel Rekord D 1700 Oldtimer - Alltagsoldie Inserat online seit 06.04.2020, 17:31. Opel Rekord D / Opel Commodore B; Bezeichnung: Beschreibung: Katalognummer: Foto: Preis: Heckblech: Caravan ab Fgst. Other special editions included the "Rekord Maharadscha", the "Rekord Hit" and the "Rekord Sport". 296,771 units. Initially the car retained the 1488 cc, 45 PS (33 kW; 44 hp) of its predecessor: this was complemented by a 1680 cc, 55 PS;L enginePrice in Germany: DM 6,545 to 7,110. Like the high compression "1700 S" unit, the "1900 S" needed high octane fuel, but it did provide a top speed of 165 km/h, making it good for more than 100 mph in non-metric export markets. It was during the life of this model (in fact 1967–70) that the A Rekord C coupé was locally built in South Africa as a Ranger SS during the 1970s.Prices in Germany (1966): DM 7,630 to 9,560; Sprint (1967): DM 9,775. This was a first outing for the 2-litre diesel engine which from 1978 was offered in a diesel powered version of the The standard transmission package for the saloon/sedan and estate/station wagon bodied Rekord Ds featured a manual all-synchromesh four-speed gearbox, controlled on the early versions by a column mounted lever. Dank der CIH Motoren, der neuen und größeren Karosserie, sowie der verbesserten Hinterachse war der Rekord C in technischer Hinsicht ein Quantensprung.