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• 1.x Spreadsheet (.sxc)
• AportisDoc (Palm) (.pdb)
single-click access.Save your graphics in OpenDocument format, the new international standard for • HTML document (.html and .htm), as HTML 4.0 Transitional
The current strategy to import is to generate shapes from the diagram data.
However, Draw can also export to BMP, EMF, EPS, GIF, JPEG, MET, PBM, PCT, PGM, PNG, PPM, RAS, SVG, SVM, TIFF, WMF, and XPM.
It is a economical alternative to the expensive Microsoft Office Suite.
When opening a Word document that contains an embedded equation editor object, if the option for it is checked in Tools > Options > Load/Save > Microsoft Office, the object will be automatically converted to an Real Office Suite Math object. • 1.0 HTML Template (.stw)
• 1.x Text Document Template (.stw)
• Hangul WP 97 (.hwp)
Opravené zobrazování popisků SmartART objektů • Unified Office Format text (.uot, .uof)
Makes drawing business processes and diagrams a snap! For ages 3 and up
• DocBook (.xml)
• dBASE (.dbf)
The current strategy to import is to generate shapes from the diagram data. In addition to OpenDocument formats (.odt, .ott, .oth, .odm, .sxw, .stw, and .sxg ), Word Editor can open the following text document formats:
- Opening presentations
Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.
Een SmartArt-afbeelding invoegen in een Office-document.
In addition to OpenDocument formats (.odp, .odg, .otp,.sxi, and .sti), PowerPoint Editor can open the following presentation formats:
• Ichitaro 8/9/10/11 (.jtd and .jtt)
• 1.x Presentation Template (.sti)
• Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP Template (.pot)
In addition to OpenDocument formats (.ods, .ots, .sxc and .stc), Excel Editor can open the following spreadsheet formats:
• Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP (.ppt)
• 1.x Spreadsheet (.sxc)
You can access your graphics from any OpenDocument compliant software.Use Draw's free feature to create Flash (.swf) versions of your work. • Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk1, .wks, and .123)
• Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx, .pptm, .potx, .potm)
-Saving presentations
• .rtf, .txt, and .csv
• Text Encoded ( Writer/Web) (.txt)
Microsoft Office 365 offers several pricing packages. • Microsoft Excel 2007 - 2019 (.xlsx)
• HTML Document ( Calc) (.html and .htm)
• dBASE (.dbf)
• Microsoft Word 2003 XML (.xml)
• 1.x Spreadsheet Template (.stc)
• Data Interchange Format (.dif)
• StarDraw, StarImpress (.sda, .sdd, and .vor)
• Pocket Excel (.pxl)
-Saving presentations
• StarDraw and StarImpress (.sda, .sdd, .sdp, and .vor)
- Opening spreadsheets
The Free Full Trial allows you to try the feature set of the App for three days.
• Text CSV (.csv and .txt)
• Ichitaro 8/9/10/11 (.jtd and .jtt)
I know how to do it in Draw but I'd like to do it in Writer as well. org chart). • DocBook (.xml)
• T602 Document (.602, .txt)
• StarWriter 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 Template (.vor)
• AportisDoc (Palm) (.pdb)
Access all your files, peripheral devices, apps, programs and registry
- Opening formula files
-Word Editor/Web can save in these formats
• WPS 2000/Office 1.0 (.wps)
In addition to OpenDocument formats (.odg, .otg, .sxd,.std,.sxd, .std), Draw can open the following graphic formats:
'Park' your most commonly used drawing tools around your screen ready for • HTML Document ( Writer) (.html and .htm)