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He tries everything in his power to find the soon-to-be mother of his only child, the result of his first and last sperm donation.
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Zwischen Klatschspalten und Klettergerüsten entdeckt er sich selbst - es ist der Knüller seines Lebens… I'm slightly puzzled, however, as to why the English title is given as "Rabbit without Ears" as opposed to "Hare with no Ears" which seems to me to be more accurate.

Willkommen bei den Hartmanns [DVD] [2016]

Unterhaltsam, tolle Schauspieler und viel Humor As Richthofen climbs into his cockpit, he exchanges a sad smile with Käte. Den "trockenen" Til-Schweiger-Humor muss man aber schon mögen. Ich hoffe er macht mal wieder so einen guten Film. A fun romantic comedy. With Til Schweiger, Matthias Schweighöfer, Anne Schäfer, Lisa Tomaschewsky. A pair of Tactical Units Police Officers from different walks of life come together to rescue an ambassador's daughter. Correct, you've hit the daily double. A troubled veteran from the war in Afghanistan works to protect an orphaned teenager who witnessed a murder from the killer's henchmen.

But he has to work 300 hours for a local daycare center and … Ach so und den Soundtrack höre ich mir minimum einmal im Jahr an.

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Das Spielgeschehen ist sehr temporeich, hat viele komödiantische Höhepunkte, spart nicht an Hintergrundwitz und selbstironischen Momenten - und hat sogar ein paar romantische Einlagen.

Die Handlung selbst ist nicht substanziell, bietet auch keine Denkansprüche, bleibt aber stets ideenreich und bietet viel Spielraum für amüsante Verwicklungen - die Umsetzung ist wirklich ausgesprochen gut gelungen. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading.if you like Richard Curtis movies you'll probably love it But it was around the point where the script starts reeling out the 'men are like THIS and women are like THAT' stereotypes that I started wondering just which decade actor, director and writer Til Schweiger was living in when he thought up this drivel.

Keinohrhasen kann man sich immer wieder anschauen der film ist sein geld wert da gehts um viele lebensweisheiten die in einer beziehung vorkommen wie verzeihen und sowas wirklich interessant.Mehr als 5 Sterne müsste es geben

„Der 1. A pair of Tactical Units Police Officers from different walks of life come together to rescue an ambassador's daughter. In 1916, Manfred von Richthofen is serving as a fighter pilot with the Later, during an aerial dogfight, Richthofen again encounters Captain Brown, who has escaped from a German On the way back to base, Richthofen is devastated to learn that his close friend, the Shortly thereafter, Richthofen suffers a skull wound during an aerial battle, and is sent to be nursed by Käte.

Til Schweiger mit Klamauk abzustempeln, halte ich für falsch.

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Käte crosses over to Allied lines with Brown's assistance and visits Richthofen's grave. Part of the humour is thanks to Matthias Schweighöfer who plays Ludo's protege Moritz as a young and eager participant with a range of comedic facial expressions. With Til Schweiger, Nora Tschirner, Matthias Schweighöfer, Alwara Höfels. ... is the Adam Sandler of Germany- which is either great or depressing depending on your view Kokowääh (DVD) (2011) (German Import)

Directed by Torsten Künstler.

Rainbow press reporter Ludo is sentenced to 8 months, but is released on probation.

Vijesti iz svijeta filma i showbiza.

On April 21, 1918, Richthofen is wakened with the report of a British formation approaching the front, after making love to Käte.