Also, fair point about apk package as opposed to gg play. PGP support is currently in active development and should be available soon. We’re a web agency with over 1000 clients on our books – we’re very keen to start recommending protonmail to our customers but offline and mail client support is vital.

Make it an option. I think, that you can implement something similar, allowing an email client to connect with your application listening on localhost and ecrypting the data in the same way as web browser does. encoding/decoding via JS. Any news of the Linux version of the bridge ? Thank you for your hard work and looking forward for the imap/pop/smtp option to be available on Mac. And if so can I host proton mail client which will be integrated to another mail server. For now, only the listed clients are officially supported. Security client side will be okay is it’s landing on a disk encrypted at rest, IMAP support is now available for premium users via the ProtonMail Bridge (I hope support has not waned! I’v got a decades worth of emails and I’m stuck with Outlook for some of my efforts. During setup, it is asking for incoming and outgoing servers. +1 for IMAP/SMTP support. I’m done with legacy e-mail. I plan on moving out of IMAP/POP3 on my domain and use Proton Mail for everything.

Our team is actively working on making the Bridge app open-source, it will be in the near future. I have a WordPress server on Google Cloud Platform. I would also love to see IMAP support. Such device signed key would have to be pasted back to PM WWW.Of course keys could/should? The feasibility of using one email address per online presence with ProtonMail In Bitcoin, the receive address reuse is a bad form for transaction privacy. imap/pop clients have access to non-ecnrypted emails and opening an encrypted convo should prompt user to use the mobile app and/or browser. I have entered all the IMAP and SMTP settings correct but when sending a test message through Thunderbird I get the following error message: “The message could not be sent using SMTP server for an unknown reason. The intrusions Google still permits into a person’s online activity are the very reasons why I don’t use Google Play and considering the fact that the main premise of the website and service is to provide private and secure communications.Please…the least you could do is provide an exclusive APK file for download like other tech companies whom respect a consumer’s right to privacy do——-Do you expect us all to believe that would be asking too much of service is predicated upon privacy and security. Consider creating WIN/MAC/Linux versionof protocol proxy.I agree with Daniel and would also be willing to pay when there is proper email client support, not some missing the point mobile app, until then ProtonMail is of limited use to me.The best solution is to provide a local IMAP & SMTP translation service for desktop and mobile OSs, which can also support secure LAN use (useful if in a FreeNAS jail). It allows you to fully integrate your ProtonMail account with most clients that support IMAP and SMTP protocols, with official support for Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird and Apple Mail. Maybe their future mobile app will suffice. After a month of repeated hacking. IMAP-version would be useful for those who do use an e-mail software on their personal computer, or a specific app could be developed to be used on personal computers. Nested Contact groups. I’ve attempted to set up my ProtonMail account without ProtonMail Bridge on Thunderbird and the configuration fails. I would use this service if I could combine it with a proper email-client! ProtonMail Bridge is an application that seamlessly encrypts and decrypts your mail as it enters and leaves your computer. Need these abilities for archival reasons.I do not care if it is POP3 or not; though, being able to continue to use Thunderbird would be nice; the most important criteria is that I can somehow store my mail on my own storage device. In Thunderbird, right click on the account address on the left side. Any closer to a solution? It would be pretty compatible and accessible for everyone solution. Do it, please. Enter your full email address as your username. It says only one paragraph earlier “any client that supports IMAP and SMTP”. This is an email client independent solution and does not require any plugin implementation. You state “It allows for full integration of your ProtonMail account with any client that supports IMAP and SMTP” then one paragraph later you state “detailed setup instructions for each of the supported clients.” “supported clients”?! There is no SMS recovery so even thought I bought “plus” I cannot access a barely used. Seems there’s an outdated statement on this page: “The Bridge release for Linux, which will include a command-line interface version, is currently in development.” because Thanks for catching this! Proton mail’s own App for syncing desktop, tablet, mobile etc with PGP, TLS SSL would be great At least send a message that a new mail arrived to the backup E-Mail account? You can find the instructions to set up the ProtonMail Bridge and your desktop email client at Hello, I would like to use protonmail in my webshop. I would like to see something equivalent to what Countermail people have done i.e. Because of the encryption we use, we don’t fully support IMAP/SMTP yet and we utilize our Bridge app to make the connection between your device and our servers. Of course it will be long run and of course, after new standard eventually published, there will be yet needed time for developers of e-mail clients to implement it, but, from long-term view, it’s the best way. I plan to use Thunderbird with Enigmail/gnupg, and a smartcard to store my private OpenPGP keys on.