Bandit’s shock wire batteries are less versatile, but they’re quick enough to pull off the “Bandit Trick” and zap away a thermite charge before it can go off.

It only takes one torso shot to down enemies and a bullet can punch through seven walls. With her unique gadget--the M120 CREM--she can fire special Breaching Rounds, allowing her to bust open walls and destroy enemy contraptions. Her three candelas each expunge five flash grenades that can be rolled under a doorway, thrown into a room, or penetrate the other side of a soft surface. But unlike a Black Mirror, a Volcan shield can roast you to death in seconds.Positioned well, the Volcan shield is an effective way to deny a hallway or door to enemies. A recent nerf made him susceptible to Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb disruption, which is a big deal when using the Yokai to deny a defuser plant.In 2020, Ela sits somewhere in the middle of the pack. Their job is to thwart the attackers’ attempts to destroy reinforced walls and hatches. Where he falters is with his mediocre weapon choices. The shock drone is a uniquely powerful way to gather intel while also hindering the enemy, and at the moment it’s the only gadget that can open Mira’s windows. Lesion also can’t see them through walls anymore, so his informational power has taken a significant hit. 46. Experienced Cavs can interrogate enemies, stay undetected, and waste time for the attackers. Her double-barreled grenade launcher has both impact grenades and concussion rounds that daze opponents when launched nearby. Her R4-C has a high rate of fire and often wins 1:1 engagements with defenders generally faster firing SMGs. Kind of…. He’s a wonderful remix of Jäger that encourages clever placement. She's the perfect offbeat pick against a team that's underprepared at the start of rounds or doesn't cover important regions of the map.Siege's second sniper confidently wields the new CSRX 300, a powerful bolt-action rifle with a scope that magnifies 5X or 12X. Though, they require good aim and precise timing.Lesion’s Gu mines provide a blanket of security across the map that can greatly disrupt (but mostly annoy) attackers. Not giving operators new weapons seems like a massive misstep since it’s going to take a lot of smooth-talking to resolve this issue with certain Season Pass adopters. For one-armor roamers like Alibi or Caveira, the extra health can save their lives. At launch, he was the only Operator capable of breaching reinforced walls with his Exo-Thermic Charge, and remains only one of two Operators that still can. Merely placing her one-way bulletproof rectangle on a soft wall is a powerful deterrent because Mira is likely on the other side, watching for an opportunity to step over and strike.Placing her mirrors in smart locations can take valuable time away from the attackers, but she also sports a powerful kit. But if Goyo finds himself retaking an objective the attackers have taken over, there's a good chance his own gadget will get him killed. The fire rate of his OTs-03 rifle has risen back up to its punchy consistency.

His stationary turret is poison to surviving a round, the turret shield has hitbox issues, and the damage output of the thing isn’t even that impressive. There’s no way to argue against the expectation set by Ubisoft, but then again, do Season Pass holders pay for the weaponry or the operators? Fans have been vocal with their criticism on the lack of new weaponry for the Ember Rise operators Amaru and Goyo, and rightfully so—kind of. His Signal Disruptors can jam enemy frequencies, resulting in their remote gadgets--such as breach charges and explosives--not working properly. Her 6P41 LMG gets a huge power boost when combined with her recoil-reducing burst.Similar to Ying, Dokkaebi has a strong support ability overshadowed by her lack of competitive weapons. Still, a great loadout and useful gadget makes him dominant.Vigil is a stealthy roamer with somewhat opposite abilities to Caveira.

Created Oct 27, 2011. Please refresh the page and try again.PC Gamer is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. He carries the same MP5 and P90 options as Rook, so he’s also a great anchor to take along. The strength of both ops are mostly defined by their gadgets, but Bandit’s speed and nitro cell make him a smart pick in almost any situation. The pair both utilize electricity to shock away Thermite and Hibana’s explosives, but they go about it very differently. He excels at locking down the fort and knowing where the enemy is coming from.Kapkan still feels inessential, but that doesn’t mean he can’t make a difference. As of October 11th, which seems to be a very popular date with Ubisoft, Mute is 28 years old. But even when off the drone, Twitch sports a solid two-armor kit and the F2, one of the best weapons in the game.Zofia is a powerful support and fragger combo. In the hands of a master and a team with good communication, Valkyrie remains indispensable.Melusi is a thorn in the side of attackers. With a new total of four hard breachers on the roster, protecting a reinforced wall has never been a riskier proposition. Lesion becomes more useful the longer he lives, since he earns more mines over time for a total of seven. Of course, you'll likely have your own opinions and we’d love to hear them in the comments below.Get the latest news and videos for this game daily, no spam, no fuss.Ash is an extremely fast run-and-gun attacker who can open up walls at a range without risking a close encounter. His extending shield creates a barrier that few things can interrupt, so Monty is best used as a scout for spotting enemy locations while safely standing behind the shield. Kaid is a little more situational as a heavy anchor, but his ACOG-equipped TCSG12 slug shotgun is a long-range powerhouse.