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Killcam however, I'm standing up, spinning, and out in the open. they figured everybody hated the previous playlist that they would double down on it - assholesWhy does nobody play the objective anymore in this game?Because there are no rules. period.It’s like I either play sweaty YouTube losers, or literal children. Why the fuck don't you listen and let us select maps and game mode we wanna play? Extremely bad rubberbanding and lag issues. I got every weapon but the launchers and now I have no motivation to do any of it. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Blockbuster Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Op. What's the reason of removing this ingame possibility as a counter-balance to the Warzone-Mode, which is exactly the opposite gameplay? You already own the Battle Pass. / Call of Duty : Modern Warfare / Tous les forums / Forum Call of Duty: Modern Warfare / Topic [LEAK] 38 nouvelles maps + images Supprimer Restaurer
You have shit lobbies.
IW - It's in the game but you can only play it when we feel like it.I mean, with EA now its "EA, its in the dlc" Compound this with the garbage servers in the game and you're getting multiple bullets off before your opponent even sees you on their screen.It’s still stupid that players defend that garbage.
Super choppy and rubber banding like every other match. THEN I will happily spent the money and also buy to support the continuing of great developments (maps, gamemodes, etc.).
But I do also love the quick action from ship and shoot.
Streamers just found out so likely this game becomes unplayable by tomorrow.The cheating in hardcore mode is getting ridiculousThe cheating is getting ridiculous But you need at least a week of shipment for the riot shield. Players may leave cod if there is an objective. Even some players every now and then look like they literally move faster than usual, like it almost looks glitchy to even try to shoot them.
Custom In-Game Tactical Knife. Like okay, enjoy your 2.0 k/d and that .45 win rate. There fixed it for youWhy are ALL maps not in rotation.. Just watch for personal radars and you’ll have it in a week.Yeah half way through for majority of the weapons.
It's too small, probably smaller than Arkov Peak which is more like hide and seek in 6v6 modes.I hate promendate one side gets a massive advantage with snipers that can make it near impossible to get the last pointPromenade blows. Know each camo category, appearance, how to unlock & equip camo, and more! Platform and region availability may vary and are subject to change. 874k. 590 22 /modernwarfare Black ops 4 had this issue but it looked even more wonky at times. When I get into a game which is OK, my team just seem to be backwards as fuck and don't play any objectives and then scream down the headset when the score is like 250-20 Custom In-Game Tactical Knife. They went away a few days ago and there’s no way of getting them except possibly through refreshing on the store. With servers, it would greatly help.Anybody have a search and destroy earrape playlist?Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | Weekly Discussion & Feedback Thread (August 17, 2020 - August 23, 2020)Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Key Art Revealed | /r/BlackOpsColdWarI'm expecting a call any day now to go Pro. Where are all the maps?! From 12 players, only 2-3 players playing objective, the rest is just running around or camping. It's atrocious.
What ever happened to BRIDGE map?Hello, I GOT IT !!! I run around FFA and win two or three, then I’m placed in a lobby with opponents who are some combination of way better than I am(sarcasm) or simply a player on a CPU whose game is processing at 100x the speed. the games after that were absolute hell. I feel like I’m *constantly* facing players who are way better than I am and these map playlists are absolutely garbage.People with Damascus camo.
can't even post a clip, because they disabled it.Why the fuck did they remove Shoot The Ship again?, ♂️Stop taking shipment and shoothouse off!! The current playlists leave me no desire to play the game. I wish I had done launchers passively, would have saved me a lot of heartache. How can it be allowed? Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Blockbuster Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-OpCall of Duty: Warzone – Massive combat arena, Battle Royale, and Plunder3,000 Call of Duty Points* that can be redeemed in-game for the Battle Pass“All Ghillied Up”, “Crew Expendable” and “War Pig” Operator Packs***Call of Duty Points (CP) will be accessible in Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® once CP are made available in game. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. Its weighted depending on game mode, so i just dont ever get to play certain maps.
No one likes the other mapsThey need to make 10v10 the standard, outside the small maps like shipment, rust, etc.Make a favela map remake, and bring back shoot the ship.Yep. I’m going to sleep and will check after I wake up. But yeah it sucks how they gave it the boot like that because it’s really fun to play.Infinity Ward: If you’re going to remove Shoot the Ship, design better maps.So we saw you got rid of Shoot the Ship. That’s all, I was going to buy it then I saw the amount of problems with the watch.IW go fuck your self. Idea From John WickI would love a playlist with 6v6 on Gunfight maps. No long walking, no compromise, pure action. r/mw4: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Cranked on the oil rig is terrible. Everyone plays how they want.