While araxxor is under this web, any damage done to araxxor will be reduced and damage will be reflected back to the player. It's easy!
However, I feel that my times for both styles are rather high.
Honestly this path is really easy and doesn't need much explanation. I'm pretty average at PvM, but I feel like I know the ins and outs of Araxxor, and I'd be happy to share what I know with you, and maybe others can chip and correct me.
I also hate mobs that spell reflect your spells. Araxxor/Araxxi is one of the most difficult solo boss fights in RuneScape. At the start of each phase, the boss will have 100,000 life points. Also don't miss any anticipates/freedoms before his specials or you'll get rekt.If Araxxor is in a healing web, utilize snipe and swap to a shield to resonance the reflect for an easy heal. This can prove to be deadly later on, but can also aid you in the fight (which will be explained at the bottom of this guide). You can use thresholds of course but make sure you have 100% adrenaline saved for P3. I sometimes come to this thread as a guide for when I do Araxxor. Use a snapshot then devotion if you'd like or just use rapid fire. Thanks for any help. Hey, I wrote and posted this when I first joined Gladz in response to someone asking for a guide.
Araxxor gains 1 acid / game tick, it takes 60 real time seconds to get from 0 acid - 100% Only 50% acid is needed to be drained into the cliff to degrade it and move onto the next path, but you always lose 6% going up the cliff so 56% is the bare minimum, and this is assuming you don't mess up even a bit. a lot of the times when i use it, I don't take damage, but i don't heal either. Equipment . Araxxor can switch between all three combat styles and this is indicated by the color of the legs and spines (Red for Melee, Blue for Magic and Green for Ranged). vigour switch, and pop your DS when the fight starts. Make sure you utilize freedom/anticipate here as well.By the time your DS is over, she should be near 40k (?) I'm looking for a few ways to better my performance at Araxxor. If you're familiar with the boss, please add or correct me as you read! Phase 2 Drink your anti-poison and use preparation, this will give you a +8% adrenaline boost and stall your adren. Hope these help.seriously thanks a bunch! *Abilities should be your primary way of healing throughout the fight, they gain adrenaline, save food, and minimize dps waste. This might take practice but is very beneficial.Use an excalibur for the healing spec if you own one. I just want to add it If in middle path you're in the ramp get a bit closer to araxxor cause if he use cleave you can turn around and run away from the dmg Unseen spiders will watch Araxxor’s health, and will heal him for an allotted amount before running out of energy at the start of the phase. Phase 3. Use anticipation. If she's not dead by then, she should be really low. If you have Devotion unlocked, use it.
*This is the quickest path to finish and also the most straightforward. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. The player who took Araxxor down equipped himself with Sirenic Armour and Ascension Crossbows. Wondering what the best up to date Arraxxor guides are? DPS down Arraxor until he reaches around 5-10k HP and move on to the next phase. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Anyway, you can learn something useful to take Araxxor down. it takes maybe a few seconds longer, if at all to go to the max guild, load preset, and thru the portal than to re-enter the cave, cross the bridge, and run back down. In addition, if you’re good at clicking away, you don’t need to use Anticipation/Freedom right after a cocoon, allowing you to escape from your cocoons more easily instead of using it every time to more easily escape cleaves.
Araxxor can spawn three eggs on the ground which explode after some time if player hatches a spider per each egg or stands on them. Araxxor as the newest boss in RS 3 has bothered plenty of players. I'm familiar with using both ranged and melee and use t90 weapons and accuracy auras for both styles and get consistent kills. (~10 minutes for ranged and 8 for melee) and realistically can only do 1 kill per inventory. Thanks guys!Here's my list of Araxxor tips that I usually have saved.Make sure you have overloads if you're going to range Araxxor since his mage phase drains your stats. This will equal a 1.5k-4k heal depending on his enrage. DPS isn't as important here so I suggest using Natural Instinct + thresholds instead of DS, mainly because you will be moving a lot due to the insta-spiders and eggs.Once he hits 60% acidity, bring him up the bridge and DPS him down. Araxxor is a giant araxyte spider and the most challenging solo boss in the game, although it can be fought with one friend at the expense of greatly increasing the power of its attacks. --- Double Post Merged, Oct 26, 2017 , Original Post Date: Oct 26, 2017 --- Araxxor looks easy … Also use Debilitate when possible, but avoid using it at the same time as Devotion.