Once the engrammeter has become charged you must then find an area where a Mahjarrat has spent a lot of their time and use it in order to obtain the memory. However, the engrammeter must be charged with divination Fewer than 7,500 memories are required to complete the miniquest (enriched count as two). This happens to be the hardest area to get to.

This miniquest is all about Divination, and Kharshai will have you trekking across the map to various locations, searching for the memories of known Mahjarrat.

Enakhra's Lament; A Fairy Tale III - Battle at Ork's Rift… Fight Arena; Hazeel Cult; Rocking Out… The Slug Menace… A Tail of Two Cats… The Temple at Senntisten…

It starts out depleted but can be charged using 500 divine memories of vibrant or higher.

To get here, enter the cave entrance northwest of the monastery south of Ardougne. There are 15 locations for you to visit and collect the memories of a …
Talk to him and you will be asked to help him locate Mahjarrat’s memories and put them in a container called Engrammeter. You will need a Macaw pouch and insulated boots. Teleport the Glacor cave using the DKQ fairy ring combination and walk northwest until you find the ritual marker.The centre of the Ghorrock fortress. Once you've charged up the Engrammeter The 15 memories that need to be recovered belong to:The locations of the Mahjarrat memories are below in alphabetical order.The final chamber of Enakhra's temple. level 1 Sorensen57

Kharshai's Memories. Once you bring Kharshai your final memory, he will be disappointed that all of the memories were ancient, and thus of no use in learning of the plans of the other Mahjarrat, but will remark that he became slightly more powerful by absorbing the memories, although not enough for it to be of any practical use. To get to the Ghorrock fortress you can use the canoe in the snowy hunter area to get to the area west of the fortress and walk east OR use the DKQ fairy ring combination and use the rope to get to the area west of the fortress.The Empyrean Citadel throne room, the place used in the Missing, Presumed Death quest. Each set of about 500 memories will take approximately 20~25 minutes to collect depending how many enriched memories you collect, leaving the overall time to complete the miniquest in excess of five hours.

The Macaw will automatically find a good time for you to enter the area.
Optional Item to carry: TokKul-Zo to teleport to fight cave for fast access to a bank and the Fairy Ring teleport system. If you have lost your invitation box, you can get another from Brother Samwell on the path to Paterdomus.Zemouregal's base underneath the Chaos Temple in the Wilderness, in the room with maps and plans (which happens to be Zemouregal's office). ^ Jagex. There are 15 memories in total, and they reveal information on the Zarosian empire, demons and the Mahjarrat themselves. This miniquest is all about Divination, and Kharshai will have you trekking across the map to various locations, searching for the memories of known Mahjarrat. Kharshai wants you to go out and obtain the memories so that he can discover their plans. Enter it, and then climb down the ladder.The Hazeel cult cave at the end of the sewers beneath Ardougne. "Mahjarrat Memories FAQ." Today's update brings a bucketload of new RuneScape content, for lore-lovers, circus performers and interface wranglers alike. For the achievement, see Quick guides provide a brief summary of the steps needed for completion. If it is converted to energy, then 1 experience is gained, and a variable amount of energy is received.