(ausgelastet) German–English
En historie bliver så meget lettere at læse og mere fornøjelig, hvis du ikke gentager de samme sætninger igen og igen. {{#verifyErrors}}
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With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for interessant and thousands of other words.
Synonyme in Deutschlands bestem Synonym-Wörterbuch finden 715326 Synonyme online Ähnliche Bedeutungen & sinnverwandte Wörter Wie sagt man noch?
Synonyme in Deutschlands bestem Synonym-Wörterbuch finden 715326 Synonyme online Ähnliche Bedeutungen & sinnverwandte Wörter Wie sagt man noch?
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German-English dictionary : translate German words into English with online dictionaries
Definition: interessant: Fehlerhaften Eintrag melden.
To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected.interesting as far as the subject matter is concerned'interessant' also found in translations in English-German dictionary The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word.
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