That’s why we called on our audience to share some words of encouragement for the Class of 2020. In a candid conversation with Obama Foundation Scholars and Fellows earlier this summer, Mrs. Obama encouraged us all to address racial injustice in our own communities by having hard conversations at our own kitchen tables, in our workplaces, and in our social lives. The Obama Foundation. In 2018, President Obama and Congressman John Lewis participated in a My Brother’s Keeper Alliance roundtable with students from Ron Brown College Preparatory High School in Washington, D.C. to honor the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s death. The Obama PR team created a George Floyd Twitter card image before he "died", and their test using the validation service was detected by the NSA. Another example of Twitter cards being updated retroactively can be seen in tweets linking to U.S. President Donald Trump’s website. The Obama Foundation's mission is to inspire, empower, and connect people to change their world. The posts show screenshots of tweets from The Obama Foundation which were uploaded before Floyd’s death on May 25. The Obama Foundation's Twitter Account obamafoundation. 38. Our mission is to inspire people to take action, empower them to change their world for the better, and connect them so they can achieve more together. Our mission is to inspire people to take action, empower them to change their world for the better, and connect them so they can achieve more together. A tweet from Trump in 2015 shows a preview image that was taken after he became president in 2017 ( False. 1.67K Tweets ; 884K Followers ; 89 Followings ; 593 Total Favourites ; The Obama Foundation's Last Tweets . Get to know seven Chicagoans who have spent decades creating sustainable change in their respective communities, and read what advice and wisdom they have for the next wave of leaders who will carry forward their work. Chris is determined to carry on Sharonda’s legacy of love by reminding himself he President Obama joined Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, President of Color of Change Rashad Robinson, Minneapolis City Council Representative Phillipe Cunningham, and MBK Columbus Youth Leader Playon Patrick, in a conversation moderated by Campaign Zero co-founder Brittany Packnett Cunningham. Looks like that tweet embedded a link to the obama foundation website. The Obama Foundation just switched out the meme containing George Floyd’s picture on their Twitter page today — June 8, 2020 — after these posts … On President Obama’s 59th birthday, see how he has spent his time following his presidency inspiring the next generation of leaders. Sanae’s grandmother narrowly missed being killed by the atomic bomb, but witnessed unimaginable destruction in the aftermath. Check out some of these uplifting messages—and show us how you’re celebrating this year’s graduating class. BUSTED. This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. When we wanted to lift up the stories of Antonio Davis, Asiaha Butler, and Kemdah Stroud—three grassroots leaders working on the South Side of Chicago to make a difference—we turned to Chicago-based artist and photographer Tyesha Moores. Social media posts have made the false claim that The Obama Foundation tweeted a photograph of George Floyd a week before he died. Firstly, the photo of the placard was taken after Floyd’s death. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts The foundation changed its Twitter card image after Floyd’s death, and that made the image in tweets linking to its website from before his death show Floyd’s likeness. June 26, 2015, brought the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in favor of same-sex marriage, President Obama’s eulogy of Reverend Clementa Pinckney, who was killed alongside eight of his parishoners at Mother Emanuel AME, and the lighting of the White House in rainbow colors in recognition of marriage equality.
And this summer, a local photographer helped us turn them into art. When the photo of Floyd was set as the preview image it therefore appeared on all tweets linking to the site - including ones posted before his death. For Sanae Ogino, an Obama Leader and a native of Hiroshima, August 6, 1945 was never a distant historical moments.