so that no plague may afflict the Israelites for coming too near the sanctuary. He also noted the word ‘he will save’ (יציל) inserted into the table , implying that President Trump will play a key role in saving the American people from the coronavirus. By. FREE word-sheet. Israel coronavirus support & resources. After receiving numerous ... How do you say chairman in Hebrew? Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the eternal Jewish capital and his other acts benefitting Israel have been compared to Cyrus’ helping the Jews return from the Babylonian exile leading to the building of the Second Temple.“We know that Isaiah referred to Cyrus as the Messiah, the anointed one,” Rabbi Glazerson said. The first round of the... Typical Israeli & Jewish customs, etiquette & behavior. Senior officials from Likud and Blue and White blame each other for expected cancellation, as election speculation grows amid standoff over state budget By TOI staff August 8, 2020, 4:03 am Digital services offered by Israel Electric Corporation. The Shuk - An Israeli Cultural Experience A List of Presidents of the State of Israel Candle lighting times and information for Shabbat. Even if you find the words, they have to come parallel or adjacent. Rabbi Glazerson uses software to find hidden clues in equidistant letters in the Torah and six months before the 2016 elections, at a time when Hillary Clinton was almost universally predicted to win the presidency, Rabbi Glazerson used his Bible-based technique to predict a Trump victory. Israël/Elections 2020: dernières heures pour le dépôt des listes, ultimes tentatives d'accord à droite. He is supported by the evangelicals and they believe in the Bible, in the Torah.”Using his special software to seek out words associated with current events, Rabbi Glazerson found matches centered around the fourth chapter in Numbers. Likud MK said Israel's economy would take less time to recuperate thanks to stringent gov't health measures. “But for this we have to keep the Torah, the Seven Noahide Laws,” Rabbi Glazerson said. Recomme... Remarkably, the word ‘plague’ (נגף) appears naturally in the table in its uncoded form. 10 essential Israel travel tips. By GIL HOFFMAN MARCH 5, 2020 … “But this is when we keep the covenant. Hebrew: בחירות לכ... Voting in the Upcoming 2016 United States Presidential Elections Using experts in foreign law in Israel. Learn this Hebrew abbreviation - ש"ב Preliminary Israel election results for the 23rd Knesset - March 2020.

30 important Hebrew... The rights of salaried employees for Israel's elections. This is the Torah that God used to create the world and there it is written clearly what we should do with the world.” four years ago, another Torah Codes scholar predicted a Clinton victory, one that seemed supported by the polls, however Rabbi Glazersopn’s prediction proved to be accurate. How do I vote in the upcoming Israel elections? 1 March 2020 Netanyahu indicted in court on corruption charges after dropping immunity bid
What is Shin Bet? These are the pathways for God to bring fruitfulness into the world. 64 percent of Israel's eligib... Official 2019 Israel election results. Israel election news 2019. Israel Municipal and Regional Election Results 2018 Enforcing foreign judgments in Israel. Video Israel elections: Will the Arab Israeli vote swing the third election in a year? Living in Haifa, Aliyah, Relocation & Lifestyle. Ministers in Israel's 35th government sworn in on 17th, May 2020. Image credit: The Is... Latest news & headlines from the New York T... Among plenty of scandal and j...   Time to choose you... Israel Electric Company (IEC) warning notice prior to supply shut-off....
Trump has been very good to Israel. ET, March 2, 2020 Israel's third election in 11 months had a 71.0% turnout. The word corona (קורונה) figured prominently in the table.“The first thing we see is that Corona will be going more and more,” Rabbi Glazerson said. Special ballots of those quarantined due to possible exposure to the Coronavirus who voted in special polling station will be counted in a tent outside the Knesset on Wednesday morning.The Anglo-list can be contacted with questions and requests via our