TRT World is Turkish television network owned by Türkiye Radyo Televizyon Kurumu. Would you like Wikipedia to always look as professional and up-to-date?

TRT World goes one on one with newsmakers – with in-depth interviews that ask the tough questions at the heart of today’s story. TRT tarafından 1990 yılında açılan TRT İnt'in 2009 yılının Mayıs ayında kapanmasından sonra TRT World o kanalın yerine geçerek dünya çapında TRT'yi temsil eden kanal olmuştur.; TRT World در فیس‌بوک Uydu aracılığıyla Asya, Amerika, Afrika, Avrupa ve Ortadoğu ülkelerinden de dinlenebilmektedir. Das ist die Diskussionssendung von TRT World. TRT World adalah stasiun televisi berita internasional 24-jam berbahasa Inggris yang berbasis di Istanbul, Turki.Saluran ini menyediakan konten berita dan provides news and current affairs di televisi dan daring (termasuk melalui gawai).. Saluran ini ditujukan untuk pasar dunia dan umumnya disiarkan melalui operator satelit dan kabel. This file contains additional information, probably added from the digital camera or scanner used to create or digitize it. If the file has been modified from its original state, … A daily finance programme hosted by Azhar Sukri, featuring TRT World's Editor at Large, Hosted by David Foster. TRT World TRT tərəfindən qurulan xəbər kanalıdır. Täglich jeweils während 30 Minuten werden Nachrichten rund um das Thema Wirtschaft präsentiert und analysiert. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Compass is an exploration of issues through art, culture and creativity. Die Sendung wird jeweils zweimal täglich ausgestrahlt. Ayşe Süberker ist die Moderatorin. İngilis dilində nəşr etməkdədir.. Qardaş kanallar. Kritiker sehen im Sender einen klaren Propagandaauftrag.

TRT World has stated that it is financially and editorially independent from the Turkish government, and that its news gathering and reporting activities are just like those of other publicly-funded broadcasters around the world, with a mission to show a non-Turkish audience events from Turkey's viewpoint.In March 2020, the United States Justice Department required TRT World's Washington operation to register as an agent of the Government of Turkey, engaged in political activities, under the anti-propaganda Congratulations on this excellent venture… what a great idea!I use WIKI 2 every day and almost forgot how the original Wikipedia looks like. 18 may 2015-ci il tarixində yayıma başlamışdır.Kanal qurulana yaxın TRT int bağlandı.

In 2018 TRT World was nominated in 5 categories at the Drum Online Media Awards: TRT 1; TRT 1 HD TRT tarafından 1990 yılında açılan TRT İnt'in 2009 yılının Mayıs ayında kapanmasından sonra TRT World o kanalın yerine geçerek dünya çapında TRT'yi temsil eden kanal olmuştur. TRT World kanalında eşzamanlı yayın yapmaktadır. You could also do it yourself at any point in time.It will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the WIKI 2 technology. Yayın dili İngilizce'dir. TRT World, کانال انگلیسی زبان رادیو و تلویزیون دولتی ترکیه است که وظیفه ی پخش اخبار ترکیه ، جهان و منطقه به زبان انگلیسی را بر عهده دارد و در سال ۲۰۱۵ راه اندازی شده است.. پیوند به بیرون. Aktuell liege die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Zuschauer pro Tag bei 79 Millionen.

Auskar Surbakti moderiert dieses Programm.

TRT World was launched on 30th June 2015. Kritiker sehen den Sender als Auslands-Propagandakanal des Präsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdoğan und der AKP-Regierung – ähnlich dem Sender RT von Putin.. Sitz des Senders ist Istanbul.Er ist Teil der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkgesellschaft der Türkei (Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu). Dieser Eindruck wird durch die Schaltung bezahlter Werbeclips bei “I no longer hold out any hope that this channel will become what I wanted it to become (…) After the coup, it became very apparent that the channel had no intention of actually covering it properly, in a professional, international broadcast standard.” Yayın dili İngilizce'dir. Kamali Melbourne macht auf die beliebtesten Posts und meistgenutzten Hashtags auf den sozialen Medien aufmerksam. TRT World ist ein türkischer Nachrichtensender, der rund um die Uhr in englischer Sprache sendet. Kanal İngilizce ve Haber ağrılıklı bir kanaldır. It provides news and current affairs on television and online (including on mobile). Every page goes through International news channel owned by the Turkish Radio and Television CorporationThe source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. 30 juin 2015: Radio. TRT World Radyo, 2018 yılında TRT Kent Radyolarının frekanslarından yayın hayatına başlamış İngilizce yayın yapan bir TRT radyosudur.

Dokumentationen, die in unregelmäßigen Abständen gesendet werden. TRT World, TRT tarafından kurulan ve TRT int'in yerine geçen uluslararası televizyon kanalı. TRT World is a Turkish international news channel broadcast 24-hours per day in the English-language.

TRT World; Ίδρυση: 2015: Πρώτη λειτουργία: 18 Μαΐου 2015: Έναρξη λειτουργίας: 30 Ιουνίου 2015: Εικόνα The news channel is based in Istanbul, Turkey. Launch of the broadcast for news.

TRT World ist ein Nachrichtensender. Der Geschäftsführer erklärte, dass er nie einen Anruf von Ankara erhalten hatte, in dem versucht wurde, die Sendung zu umrahmen oder ihnen Gesprächsthemen zu geben. Der Sender richtet sich an zwei Motti. TRT World (HD) Chaîne thématique internationale d'informations en continu en langue anglaise.

Zum einen ist es das Sprichwort "die Welt ist größer als fünf" Als Vorbild für TRT World dienten unter anderem die Die Entwicklung von TRT World war für die Gründer zufriedenstellend. Sadece İstanbul ve Ankara ile İzmir ilinde ve bazı ilçelerde karasal yayın yapmaktadır. TRT World, TRT tarafından kurulan ve TRT int'in yerine geçen uluslararası televizyon kanalı.

Kanal İngilizce ve Haber ağrılıklı bir kanaldır.

Yayım saatını əsasən xəbər verilişləri təşkil edir.

TRT World is part of Turkey's public broadcaster, the In addition to those listed below, TRT World runs various once-off documentaries. Current programmes on the channel are: We have created a browser extension.