April 2020, lockert die Fakultätsleitung der Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaften für die Gebäude am Georg-Brauchle-Ring und auf dem TUM Campus im Olympiapark gemäß der Entscheidung des TUM Hochschulpräsidiums das bisher geltende strikte allgemeine Zutrittsverbot. A journey of discovery to understanding our world at the subatomic scale, from the nuclei inside atoms down to the most elementary building blocks of matter. The lecture period was formally extended until August 7, 2020, in order to optionally intercept unforeseeable developments and, if necessary, to be able to offer courses up to this point in time - however, this has not yet been specified. We will inform you about this again separately on this page.We are also trying to offer dates in June.

The (virtual) course of lectures for the second semester is reduced somewhat during the examination period (individual regulation by the lecturers) - possibility to catch up on the material, e.g.

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(8.6.) Please read the special The basic points for participating in presence tests during the CoViD 19 pandemic can be found on the corresponding The Faculty of Physics plans the following procedure:Three exam dates  - probably Fr.
Students who won't or will not be able to take advantage of the repeat offer, will not experience any disadvantage in this regardThe severely restricted operations ended with the expiry of 20. in the Moodle course or via the links stored in TUMonline).

Welche Voraussetzungen Sie für die Zulassung erfüllen müssen, und wie die Bewerbung genau abläuft, hängt von Ihrer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung ab.. Allgemein gilt jedoch, dass Sie sich während der Bewerbungsfrist über das Bewerbungsportal TUMonline bewerben. Eine Grenze bildet aber die Studienfortschrittskontrolle. Die Planung der größeren Klausuren wird wohl noch etwas dauern. Also in this cases participation and registration via TUMonline is voluntary. Wir freuen uns auf euch! TUM MEC. (12.6).Registration for these exams is voluntary. In view of the dynamics of the current situation, we refer to the relevant information on the TUM website and restrict ourselves to a few specific instructions from the Faculty of Physics . However, restrictions regarding physical contact and essential preventive health measures will remain in place.

Moodle bietet Online-Lernräume, in denen Dozierende Materialien und viele unterschiedliche Aktivitäten für Kommunikation, Zusammenarbeit und Selbstlernen bereitstellen. Whoever registers for the exam, however, is subject to the GOP regulation.

In accordance with the explanations in the following paragraphs, we would like to explicitly state here again that there is currently no general (audit law) obligation to conduct final theses in personWith regard to the progress of studies, the most recent failures in examinations are regarded as reasons for which the students are not responsible. Technische Universität München Fakultät für Medizin – Klinikum rechts der Isar TUM Medical Education Center (TUM MEC) Besucheradresse: Nigerstraße 3 81675 München www.mec.med.tum.de support.mec.med@tum.de. Umsetzungsdetails werden derzeit erarbeitet. Further information is available on this page or via the usual way via TUMonline.Furthermore, the study progress control in SS2020 is suspended. We will inform you about the respective planning status on this page or on the relevant internship pages in due course.Submission of Bachelor's or Master's Theses can currently be done via mail. Hierfür wurde eine zentrale Stelle geschaffen: TUM-Feedback. Fundamental research on the underlying properties of materials and nanostructures and exploration of the potential they provide for applications. TUM MEC. The basis for any action in the Faculty of Physics is the premise that students should not be disadvantaged by the crisis in terms of examination law.The lectures in the summer semester 2020 will start next Monday, April 20, 2020. Technische Universität München Fakultät für Medizin – Klinikum rechts der Isar TUM Medical Education Center (TUM MEC) Besucheradresse: Nigerstraße 3 81675 München www.mec.med.tum.de support.mec.med@tum.de.

Biological systems, from proteins to living cells and organisms, obey physical principles. Die TUM Maschinenwesen-Fakultät belegt Spitzenplätze weltweit in der Forschung und gehört zu den Top-Universitäten in der Maschinenbauingenieurensausbildung. Hallo liebe Studierende, auch in Zeiten der Pandemie wollen wir mit euch in Kontakt bleiben.