When I get an extra hundred grand, bam, 10,000 goes into gold”…Today our co-founder and Executive Publisher, Addison Wiggin, asks a new question: Could the cashless society represent a threat to free speech?Yesterday our co-founder Addison Wiggin described how two 20th century Italian philosophers are presently battling for the soul of America.

The Economist downgraded the U.S. to a "flawed democracy" in their 2016 Democracy Index published Wednesday. Photographer Damir Sagolj: "It's one of those "how to make a better or at least different shot when two presidents shake hands several times a day, several days in row".

This was just one of 32 images of mine that were transmitted on the Reuters wire of President Trump visiting China and Vietnam that day. To my mild shock, he didn't even think about it twice. Conservatives are often described as Manichaean, everything is black or white, good or evil. But will not these Reasons apply to others? The second time I positioned myself lower and centrally, and used the longest lens I have to capture only hands reaching for a handshake. The United States has been classed as a “flawed democracy”, falling short of the threshold of a fully democratic society for the second year running, according to a comprehensive new report. Bill Bonner on why deficits don’t matter — until they do…Out with the old gods and in with the new. It’s that the current system favors the most poorly run and backward states, i.e. The Economist Intelligence Unit has finally acknowledged that the US has a flawed democracy. Photographer Jonathan Ernst: "During an afternoon visit to Puerto Rico for President Trump to survey damage from Hurricane Maria and greet some of its victims, Trump made a stop at a church where food and supplies were being distributed. "There are no comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts For those of us covering the Trump administration, there seem to be more compelling figures in the West Wing than ever before.

10.“Have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”We even admit the possibility that American democracy is closer to the end of the chapter than the beginning.Today Charles Hugh Smith shows you that popular backlash against Wall Street excesses could result in a political crackdown. try again, the name must be unique

Here’s what’s hiding in plain sight and…Donald Trump’s positioning has put the U.S military one step closer to the next phase of the Korean War.
Some strange rimjob reference?The very reason that the government was designed the way it is was because of the founders desire to protect the American people and their god-given rights from the whims of popular desire.The very reason our government was designed the way it is was because the Founders and Framers wanted to protect the political and social liberties they envisioned from the feudal tyrannies they saw in Europe. It would only require two simple regulations.George Gilder shows you why he believes the lockdown is the biggest crime against humanity in two centuries…Jim Rickards shows you why you can’t trust most polls, except perhaps the one that presently gives Trump the lead…Jim Rickards shows you the case for Biden winning the election, followed by the case for a Trump victory…“Governments incline naturally to spending, as governments incline naturally to roguery, crookery and rascality”…Gold will return to the global monetary system. And Children have not Judgment or Will of their own. Start your Independent Premium subscription today.Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate?Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. President Trump himself is very comfortable in the spotlight, and his aides are similarly unfazed by cameras.