A few days later, while Rick and his group are away, trying to lead a massive herd of Walkers away, at least two dozen Wolves attack Alexandria with handheld weapons and Molotov cocktails.

Didn't take 'em too long to kill them all. They always carve the letter "W" into their victims' foreheads, often dismembering them as well, and habitually mark locations they've raided with the ominous graffiti Sometime after escaping, they captured and killed the Shortly after Morgan Jones's arrival in Alexandria, Daryl tells Rick about what he and Aaron found at the Del Arno Foods truck lot, saying that Morgan came across two men with the letter "W" on their heads. Owen saves her, but he gets bitten on the arm in the process.

Morgan is able to survive the attack by Owen and his partner and leaves them unconscious in a car instead of killing them. The children, too. In der letzten Folge von „The Walking Dead“ wurde eine neue Gruppe vorgestellt, die wir in nächster Zeit öfter sehen werden: The Wolves. The Wolves are a group of hostile survivors introduced in Season 5 of AMC's The Walking Dead. His fearlessness is also evident during the confrontation between Carol and Morgan where he encourages Morgan to kill him and shows no fear over Carol's strong intent to kill him. Ultimately he uses the confrontation over his life to knock Morgan unconscious while he is distracted, take Denise hostage and escape from his cell. It is shown that Morgan imprisoned Owen in Alexandria and told him his story of his redemption due to his friend Eastman and that redemption is possible for him, too. Made them hunt 'em. Owen just smirked and gave a clear threat that if his wound did not kill him, he would kill Morgan and all the remaining survivors in the safe-zone, children During the battle, Morgan spots Owen and kills him with his staff, putting an end to the Wolves. Despite his dark and sadistic nature, it is shown that Owen was not a complete monster and was shown to be capable of caring for others as he saved Denise's life instead of fleeing from Alexandria (when he had a clear opportunity to do so) and before meeting his demise, he urged and helped Denise to escape. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Even though he holds Morgan at gunpoint, the two start off making some friendly conversation, though Owen's true nature is shown when he makes it clear that he intends to rob Morgan of everything he has and then slaughter him. Suddenly, While hiding from the herd, Owen keeps holding Denise at gunpoint and tells her they'll make a run for a lookout tower as soon as a gap opens up in the herd so they can jump from the wall and escape together, insisting she accompanies him because he needs her help for his wound. While everyone in Alexandria is fighting off walkers, Morgan sees a zombified Owen, apologizes to him and then immediately stabs him with his staff, putting him down. The Wolves sont un groupe de survivants antagonistes qui apparaissent pour la première fois dans la Saison 5 de The Walking Dead d' AMC. He was for a time being held prisoner at Alexandria.

She seems very concerned that he is bit, and says she needs to get him to the infirmary immediately, showing that Denise wants him to live, and believes he is a better person than before.
He stationed his group's base at At some unknown point later, Owen and his group attacked While looking for new victims around the woods, Owen encounters Eventually, Owen and his companion are able to escape from the car and the two later find a Having cut himself in his torso with a rusty car door, Owen leads his group to attack Alexandria for medical supplies. They kill the guards, scale the walls and slaughter numerous residents in their homes and the streets.

Brought the natives into it. He recognizes Morgan and the two begin to fight. you know what its hard to say... we never really saw much of the wolves but from what i saw personally they are rather cunning and have destro... He recognizes Morgan from their previous encounter and seems to find it amusing that Morgan refuses to kill people and tells him he should have killed him the woods. —Owen to Morgan Jones after showing his infected cut wound.. Owen is a former antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. When a massive herd of Walkers invades Alexandria and Carol and Morgan fight over the life of the Owen, he is able to knock out Morgan while he is distracted and escapes from his cell, taking Owen later protects Denise even though it results in him being bitten, causing Denise to suggest he's changed.

Rick confirms that Morgan had mentioned the incident, and said that he was worried about the safe-zone's security. Shortly after, Owen reanimates and is found by Morgan, who apologizes to him one last time before putting him down. After struggling with Morgan and taunting him that he should have killed him in the woods, Morgan is able to fend him off and then apologizes before knocking him unconscious with his staff. I know I'm probably going to die, but if I don't, I am going to have to kill you, Morgan. Once inside a building, Denise grabs Owen's belt and ties it around his arm, meaning that she intends to remove it.