Customarily casual, candidly different. 2 ÜN inkl.

In addition to classic wellness treatments, massages and modern spa facilities in innovative wellness hotels, the practice of Traditional European Medicine (TEM) is experiencing a successful renaissance in Pinzgau.

Welcome to your holiday! Erde, Wasser, Feuer, Luft.

Pure and intense.

The Brandlhof is a 4*S sport, seminar and incentives hotel that promises unforgettable exdperiences. Buche deinen Wellnessurlaub in herrlicher Alleinlage mitten in den Bergen von Österreich. Without giving reasons, without confirmations or certificates. Holzhotel Forsthofalm | Hütten 37 | 5771 Leogang | An international range of activities such as Ayurveda and yoga rounds off this programme, which is centred around wellness and feeling good. Wellnessangebote an 365 Tagen im Jahr buchen. The hotel sits amid enchanting landscapes at the foot of the Leoganger Steinberge, a true paradise for guests looking to enjoy an active vacation. The hotel is located at the foot of the fascinating... Wellness & Spa. Take a break and lift your spirits!

FEEL GOOD| Every week is a wellness week In Saalfelden Leogang, exertion and relaxation go perfectly hand in hand. 1,050 m above sea level, above the rooftops of Leogang, we discover the first wood-construction hotel in Salzburg, the Forsthofalm. Any problems with your online purchase? Egal ob mit Freundinnen, oder für eine romantische Zeit zu zweit. Holzhotel Forsthofalm!

In Saalfelden Leogang, exertion and relaxation go perfectly hand in hand. Hotel des Monats Jagdhof ***** Wellnesshotel Größte Wellness-Landschaft Bayerns. The wellness hotels in the region will provide the perfect place to feel good whatever the season. Achtsamkeit spüren, Wohltuendes erleben und Entspannung geniessen. Hiking and biking trails from the hotel. Wellness with and without children . Location:Directly in the quiet village center. There is also a motor skills park that requires balance, dexterity, strategy and bravery.

Im Einklang mit sich und den Elementen.

On a sunny plateau in the midst of the Leoganger mountain world the pure life lures.

Specific relaxation for a family holiday: Our Good Life Resort Riederalm in Leogang is a family spa hotel but also an exclusive wellness hotel for couples. Surrounded by impressive mountain scenery of the Steinernes Meer, this modern spa hotel looks directly out over the Ritzensee lake.

Wellnessurlaub im Holzhotel Forshtofalm buchen. So that you can plan your summer vacation safely and carefree, however you want.All businesses that enable flexible bookings are marked with the Secure & Flexible symbol.Data protection and secure transactions using Thawte® SSL data encryptionCan’t get enough of the fresh air? Beim Wellnessurlaub in den Alpen nahe Tirol erlebst du aufregende Massagen, Panoramasaunen, ganzjährig beheiztem rooftop pool, sowie Almkräuterprodukte der Wellnesslinie Nature Kiss.

Our little ****jewel is the ideal holiday destination for health-conscious people. Therapeutic breaks are a boon in any season – providing revitalisation in spring, refreshment in summer, cosiness in autumn and contemplation in winter. You and your partner and children too get to enjoy a relaxing family holiday in Salzburger Land. 360° of well-being It’s time to feel good!


The Hotel for active pleasure seekers. Das Wellnesshotel in Leogang mit rooftop pool. Nach Absenden des Anfrageformulars erfolgt eine Verarbeitung der oben angeführten Daten durch den datenschutzrechtlich Verantwortlichen Wellness Hotel Gasthof Schörhof, Marzon 10, 5760 Saalfelden,, zum Zweck der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage auf Grundlage Ihrer durch das Absenden des Formulars erteilten Einwilligung.