Mozart and Salieri by Alexander Pushkin, translated by Genia Gurarie. Now he was interested in Rasin's easy, elegant language. The work "Mozart and Salieri", whose genre -a small tragedy, belongs to the pen of the famous Russian poet, writer and playwright AS Pushkin.

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The second part of the monologue is devoted to the disclosure of his idea: the composer decided to poison his friend, guided by the fact that he wastes his talent in vain and does not know how to find a worthy use.Like no one else in the short work of skillPush the whole depth of psychological experiences Pushkin. A beautiful short drama by the great Russian poet Pushkin! Родился я с любовию к

In this play - only two characters (not counting the blind violinist, who appears in one episode).The whole composition of the play is monologues and dialogues, inwhich nevertheless fully disclosed their characters.

This to me Appears as clear as any simple scale. While liberties are taken with facts, this is an amusing short work (9 pages in the library book I read).

The author conceived the writing of a new play in 1826, but created it in the most fruitful period of his work - during the so-called Boldin Autumn.

The author conceived the writing of a new play in 1826, but created it in the most fruitful period of his work - during the so-called Boldin Autumn.

The genre of the play defined its intimacy: the action takes place in a closed space, which, as it were, brightens and emphasizes the dramatic nature of history. The final of the work is rather predictable: there is practically no intrigue in terms of the plot. Several other works used this short dramatic work as their basis: Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera Mozart and Salieri, Peter Shaffer’s play Amadeus, and the 1984 film of the same name (adapted by Shaffer and directed by Milos Foreman). "Two sons of harmony" 55555555 I cry so hard!

The genre of this drama is very specific, since it enters the cycle of the so-called small tragedies, which as such do not exist in the literature, but were developed by the author himself exclusively for new works, of which there were only four. Портал стихотворений великого русского поэта Александра Пушкина. However, the arrival of Mozart threatened him and lead to some changes in character; for instance, as he started to be an envious person, a thingA beautiful short drama by the great Russian poet Pushkin! Ich mag diese Gegenüberstellung der Charaktere, generell bin ich ja ein Fan von Salieri, zusammen mit diesem leichten Thrillermoment am Ende.

In this case, the reader sees that Mozart is doomed. This moment is one of the strongest in the play. عظيم يا بوشكين!Después de leerlo me acordé de una frase en una canción de Violeta Parra.Salieri was very successful and famous throughout Europe.

The text of the drama became the basis for the libretto of the opera by NA Rimsky-Korsakov, as well as for film scripts.The play "Mozart and Salieri", the genre of which differssome specificity in comparison with other works of the author, was ready five years before its publication, as there are written testimonies of the poet's friends and some of his contemporaries. It never occurs to him that his friend envies him.

When the fiddler comes, we see Mozart so happy and laughing because an old ordinary man who was playing one of his pieces (Don Giovanni), a thing which irritated Salieri a lot because he places art in a lofty plane, while Mozart seems not like him in this regard (Mozart composes sublime music but also enjoys life). On the other hand, the drama mentions the question of Mozart’s requiem, which a masked man in black commissioned him to compose. Es war ein sehr kurzes Stück, aber ich fand es einfach sehr schön geschrieben und mehr wollte ich nicht.

Pushkin so builds his work, that there is no doubt about it.

Mozart tells Salieri a story about a strange customer who ordered him a requiem and has since ceased to appear.Since then, the composer seemed to be writingfuneral mass to himself. He made sure that the reader (or the viewer of theatrical production) was not distracted from the essence of the conflict and the opposition of the characters.Therefore, he deliberately narrowed the scope of the narrative andachieved maximum laconism in dialogues and monologues. Mozart and Salieri is one of Pushkin's aptly named "Little Tragedies. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.

La pièce qui inspira le film de Milos Yayınları baskısı ve Tomris Uyar çevirisiyle... (Mart 1987)Devo ter ficado mais marcado pelo roteiro do filme Amadeus, pois a peça aqui é muito mais curta que a história que o filme conta. Mozart and Salieri, текст читать онлайн.