Given the Labor party’s dire April performance, in which it won only six seats, Meretz has once again renewed calls for cooperation in preparation for September’s election. In the next few days we will get into negotiations to establish a Zionist government to prevent the formation of a dangerous anti-Zionist government.”“President Trump’s plan of the century will be presented soon," Netanyahu said. Medien berichteten, Hintergrund sei eine Hetzbotschaft gegen eine mögliche linksorientierte Regierung und Araber gewesen. Hinzu kommt, dass Netanjahu eine Anklage wegen Bestechlichkeit, Betrugs und Vertrauensmissbrauchs droht.Netanjahu hatte im Wahlkampf auf eine Mischung aus Populismus und staatsmännischem Auftreten gesetzt. Kahlon was elected to the Knesset in the 2003 elections as part of the Likud party. He has spent much of this campaign calling for a unity government, with no role for Israel’s religious parties. Quiet is bought by deterrence, not with money. We need to move from defence to offense, from destruction to construction and sovereignty. And billboards across the country are plastered with photographs of the two of them together.Channel 13 has updated its exit poll to look like this:These projections, broadcast three hours after the initial exit poll, have revised downwards the size of Benjamin Netanyahu’s preferred religious-right bloc (Likud, Yamina, Shas, UTJ) from an initial total of 54 seats to 53.They also suggest a possible increase in the size of a possible Benny Gantz center-left Arab bloc (Blue & White, Democratic Union, Labor-Gesher and the Joint Arab List), from 58 to 59 seats.But this election is still too close to call -- and previous experience tells us that there can be considerable discrepancy between exit polls and the actual results.The Blue and White Party, led by former military chief Benny Gantz, has issued a statement following exit polls in Israel's election.Poll projections show the country’s longest-serving Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his Likud Party, locked in a close race with Gantz.The Blue and White Party statement says: “In preparation for coalition negotiations, Blue and White chairman, Benny Gantz, has decided to form a negotiating team on behalf of Blue and White. Hadash leader Ayman Odeh vowed that this year Palestinian citizens of Israel would vote “in droves”, reclaiming the controversial phrase used against the community by incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his 2015 election campaign.However, on election day Palestinian citizens of Israel largely stayed away from the ballot box, with some choosing to boycott the election altogether. But none of the exit polls project that this grouping would gain a majority — projections are betweenGantz’s Blue and White Party could secure the support of the Democratic Union and Labor-Gesher parties, plus, perhaps, the Joint List of Arab parties. Es sei allerdings verboten, über ihn Wahlumfragen zu veröffentlichen.Netanjahu hatte die Sperrung des Bots laut Medienberichten scharf kritisiert und gesagt, er hoffe, ein Richter werde diese kippen. Bislang hat sich der Präsident nicht dazu geäußert, wem er die Aufgabe anvertrauen wird.Bislang haben sich 55 Abgeordnete für Netanjahu als Ministerpräsidenten ausgesprochen, 54 für Gantz. But I will not allow the payment of cash in suitcases to murderous gangs,” referring to Qatari money delivered to support Gazans living in poverty.“The heads of the terrorist organisations need to know that [senior Hamas commander] Ahmed Jabari was not the first [to be assassinated], nor may he be the last.”“We will preserve the Golan Heights, which will remain in our hands forever. Eine Sprecherin von Netanjahus Likud-Partei bezeichnete den Text als ein „Versehen eines Mitarbeiters in der Zentrale“.Die kommende Wahl ist schon die zweite dieses Jahr, die das Land durchlaufen wird. [We must] demand quiet in the south [of Israel], and this can only be done after deterrence is renewed. Organised by the Acoustical Society of the Netherlands ( Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap , NAG), ISRA 2019 is a satellite congress to the International Congress on Acoustics ICA 2019 and an EAA endorsed event. Die Vereinigte Arabische Liste wurde mit 11 bis 13 Sitzen drittstärkste Kraft im Parlament.Die ultrarechte Partei Israel Beitenu (Unser Haus Israel) von Netanjahus Rivalen Avigdor Lieberman erhielt acht bis zehn Mandate. "Wir werden uns dafür einsetzen, eine breite Regierung der nationalen Einheit zu bilden, die den Willen des Volkes zum Ausdruck bringt", sagte Gantz am Mittwoch vor Anhängern in Tel Aviv.