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For micro- and nanostructured materials, detailed information about both the composition and morphology (for example, adsorption–desorption isotherms, surface area, porosity, etc.) The penultimate and last names should be separated by a comma (not by "and"). Product yields determined by HPLC or GC are considered indicative of a preliminary catalytic study.Enantiomeric purity can be expressed either as enantiomeric excess (If computational results are part of the work, they must be complementary to the experimental results and should offer significant insight into the topic under investigation.In these systems small changes in sample geometry, weight, preparation, and measurement setup can have a dramatic influence on the results. Note: to avoid having to upload multiple files individually, collect all graphical materials in a single compressed ("zipped") folder and upload this as the "Graphical Material"; the system will automatically list each file separately thus saving you time. In general, we recommend that authors provide a link to their publication on their homepage through the "Digital Object Identifier" (DOI).Further information on Open Access publishing is provided on the journal homepage under the "Contribute" tab.When articles appear in “Early View” they are featured on the journal′s When dealing with cases that result from possible violations of our guidelines, the journals follow procedures established by the All authors must declare all sources of funding relating to their submission in the Section "Funding Information" in Editorial Manager.EXCEPTIONS ARE use of 1) common stable cell lines (e.g., HeLa, NIH-3T3, HEK-293, Jurkat, COS-7) obtained commercially or from well-known bio banks; 2) commercially purchased samples.
--Dflanagan 04:46, 1 September 2006 (UTC) It goes without saying that authors are welcome to enhance the visibility of their article through a press release from their institution, but such a release, about which the editorial office should be informed, must not precede the online publication of the article (embargo date).If authors have to or want to make their publications freely available at the moment they are published (open access), Authors are requested to take special care with respect to the following points when preparing a manuscript for publication in a) Greek letters should be typed in the character font Symbol; special characters must be clearly recognizable; sub- or superscripts and italicized or boldface text should be clearly distinguishable.A footnote labeled [*] contains the names of all authors according to research group (with academic title and all first names as initials), the complete postal address (preferentially in the country′s official language), and E-mail address(es) of the correspondence author(s). If computer-aided processing or modification of an image is a fundamental part of the experimental work, then the procedure used must be clearly described in the Experimental Section.Upon submission of a manuscript, and when prompted by the online submission system, authors must confirm the transfer of the rights to their publication to Wiley-VCH using the To use copyrighted material from another publication in your submission, please use the Where Table of Contents graphical abstracts and cover graphics are concerned, authors must ensure that the provided image(s) do not infringe on the copyright of another entity.
Cross-references in the text should also use these section numbers. Other sizes for formulas are also acceptable, but must follow these proportions (3:3.5:6 (:140)). The technique and the parameters used for this purpose (for example, normalization) must be reported.Note that elemental analysis data must be provided for papers detailing the isolation and structure elucidation of natural products.UV/Vis absorptions (peak, extinction coefficient); for example, UV/Vis (Fluorescence excitation and emission; for example, fluorescence (CHIf a crystal structure analysis is not an essential part of the paper, only a footnote is required indicating where the detailed results can be found.
To this end, heterogeneous catalysts should be characterized both before and after reaction.Catalyst recycling should be tested for at least five cycles and time-on-stream should be provided for industrially relevant catalysts.