Washington, District of Columbia, United States. As a listed company, we provide our shareholders and analysts with the highest possible degree of currency and transparency. The property "Am Brill" (gross lettable area: around 5,000 sqm) is let to c. 80 % to blue-chip tenants from the insurance and logistics industries and generates a stable cashflow and offers additional mid-term potential. The purchase price for both assets was c. EUR 31 million. Around 4,700 sqm of modern office space let to the provider of flexible office space solutions, WeWork; Significant increase in WALT and complete elimination of vacancies in the property after prior core refurbishment FT is not responsible for any use of content by you outside its scope as stated in the Markit Short Selling Activity © Markit. This makes it safe to anticipate continued rent growth and falling vacancies in the city.In Bremen's inner city, an office ensemble consisting of two multi-tenant office buildings within walking distance of cathedral, city hall and pedestrian precinct was acquired for the DIC Office Balance V (OB V) special fund, launched in 2018. Über die DIC Asset AG: Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung am deutschen Immobilienmarkt ist die DIC Asset AG mit sechs Standorten regional in allen wichtigen deutschen Märkten vertreten und betreut 175 Objekte mit einem Marktwert von rund 7,1 Mrd. In its Commercial Portfolio division (EUR 1.9 billion in assets under management, as of 30/06/2020), DIC Asset AG acts as proprietor and property asset holder, and thus generates revenues both from the management of the assets and through the value optimisation of its own real estate portfolio. Due to the acute shortage of space in prime locations, it is reasonable to assume that the rental growth on Bremen's office market will keep following an upward trend. Die DIC Asset AG nutzt ihre eigene integrierte Immobilienmanagement-Plattform, um mit einem aktiven Asset-Management-Ansatz … Due to its large connected office floor plate of high quality and in a prime location, the property has a high future potential on Berlin's dynamic market. Share price information may be rounded up/down and therefore not entirely accurate. Dies ist ein Anbieter von flexiblen Büroräumen. The Company divides its business processes into two main business segments: Commercial Portfolio and Co-Investments segment. With a planned transfer of ownership, rights and duties in December 2019, the property will contribute c. EUR 3 million of annualised funds from operations (FFO) for the Commercial Portfolio. The Co-Investment segment comprises the investments in which the Company holds a stake typically from 20% upwards, including co-investments in special funds and joint venture investments. Möglich machte das ein Vertrag mit dem Coworkinganbieter WeWork über rund 4.700 qm Bürofläche. Given the current vacancy rate of 1.8 % on Berlin's office market, the strong and steadily growing demand for space can only be met by new-build construction or redevelopments. The very well-appointed property is located in a premium location in the government district near Friedrichstrasse, Gendarmenmarkt and the Unter den Linden boulevard and is fully occupied for a remaining lease term (WALT) of 5.1 years by Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB), a German direct bank. 24.09.2019 DIC erreicht mit WeWork Vollvermietung im Schillerportal Frankfurt Die DIC Asset AG hat über ihre Tochtergesellschaft GEG German Estate Group die Vollvermietung des Objekts "Schillerportal" nahe der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse erzielt. Press Release. The WALT for both properties together is 4.9 years. This is intended for information purposes only and is not intended as an offer or recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise deal in securities.‘Rabenmutter!’ How German business culture still sidelines womenDIC Asset AG is a Germany-based real estate holding company that focuses on investing in German commercial real estate. Please sign in or register.Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Aug 21 2020 16:35 BST.All markets data located on FT.com is subject to the All content on FT.com is for your general information and use only and is not intended to address your particular requirements.

Aber auch für Blackstone, KKR, DIC Asset und Godewind? bewertet in der … Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our In Berlin's borough of Mitte, the modern "SAFE" office building with a gross lettable area of around 10,100 sqm was notarised for the company's proprietary portfolio (Commercial Portfolio), subject to suspensive condition. Doch bekanntlich scheiterten die Pläne grandios, denn die Anleger waren nicht bereit, für den Bürovermieter die Bewertungsmultiplen einer Software-Company zu akzeptieren. In particular, the content does not constitute any form of advice, recommendation, representation, endorsement or arrangement by FT and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making (or refraining from making) any specific investment or other decisions.Any information that you receive via FT.com is at best delayed intraday data and not "real time". Frankfurt am Main, 9 August 2019. The transfer of ownership, rights and duties for this property is planned to take place in Q3 2019. Despite Merkel, the cards are stacked against female managers finding successData delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Aug 21 2020 16:35 BST.You must be a registered user to save alerts.