GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our Win10/doxygen 1.8.11: DOT_PATH is not expanded in the following cases, although dot.exe is in PATH (and can be expanded by, e.g., 'where dot' on the command line):Apologies for opening a new bug for this, but the other covering this issue are set to RESOLVED as far as I can see.I've tried on Windows 7 with version 1.8.11 and I don't have any problems.Is it possible that your script used to start doxygen the PATH is not set in one way or another or that on Windows 10 doxygen is started in a "sub shell" where the PATH is not set properly?Strange that the version with "C:/path/to/folder" does not work, do you get any error messages?Can you please attach a self-contained example (source+config file in a tar or zip) that allows us to reproduce the problem?Attached a series of test cases quickly hammered together.

For compatibility with older versions of CMake, the now-deprecated variable DOXYGEN_DOT_PATH is set to the path to the directory containing dot as reported in DOXYGEN_DOT_EXECUTABLE. DOXYGEN_DOT_EXECUTABLE¶ The path to the dot command.

This is not going to be repeated here. Doxygen can use the If you want to produce Qt Compressed Help files (see In order to generate PDF output or use scientific formulas you will also need to install Would it be possible to: provide a prebuilt version that doesn't depend on Clang (like 1.8.13 used to be) It's not feasible to compile Doxygen from scratch every time a Travis job is run. But, again, doxygen exists only once, i.e. 3.

This entry was posted in Linux and tagged Doxygen on 2011-11-04 by coder4. cmake can be downloaded from At the moment only the express version of Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 are tested, but other version might also work.Download doxygen's source tarball and put it somewhere (e.g.

0.015s Collect all markers embedded in tags .. 0.015s Build "namespaces" index and add namespaces to "elements" .. 0.004s Transform analyzed project into artifacts .. installed in "C:\Program Files\doxygen\bin", but not in "C:\cygwin32\bin" where it presumably should reside if it was installed by cygwin.... and here the diff of the log after running "C:\Program Files\doxygen\bin\doxygen.exe" -d extcmd DotPathIsVoid.Doxyfile ... the .dot files are not converted by dot.exe.--- C:/myDevel/myprogs/doxygen/sample1/DotPathIsVoid.log Tue Aug 30 16:58:23 2016Digging further into that with Albert's help here the results:1 - Given a blank DOT_PATH doxygen expects a folder path in PATH to dot.exe with Potential enhancement: Convert slashes in folder path to backslashes if read from PATH.I've just asked a question on stack exchange if there is a solution for this problem "Forward slashes in PATH and ShellExecuteExW" ( I've just pushed a proposed patch to github (pull request 513)Code has been integrated in master branch on githubOn 2016-09-05 13:45:16 +0000, Dimitri van Heesch wrote:This bug was previously marked ASSIGNED, which means it should be fixed inSuccessfully merging a pull request may close this issue. Looks > quite bad :( Just to be clear: these are bugs in dot, not doxygen. Alternatively, how can I set DOT…

> I wonder if doxygen could not make some adjustments to allow more space for > the boxes to accomodate for the problem - it is not only on windows from > what I … This is needed to build th…

DOXYGEN_DOT_EXECUTABLE = The path to the dot program used by doxygen. If you downloaded the source distribution, you need at least the following to build the executable: 1.

DOXYGEN_DOT_PATH¶ The path to the directory containing the dot executable as reported in DOXYGEN_DOT_EXECUTABLE.

Apologies for opening a new bug for this, but the other covering this issue are set … In order to generate a Makefile for your platform, you need cmakeversion 3.1.3 or later. If projects need to refer to the dot executable directly, they should use the Doxygen::dot import target instead. Post navigation ← Xapian压缩数据库 Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice – 第4章 → happen when the user specifies an incorrect file with the dotfile command or …

> It is so bad that if they pull down 1.5 it will probably make no sense to > use doxygen on windows any more without some archive to keep 1.5.

doxygen should immediately stop if the dot command fails Problem here is that a correct message is given and that doxygen works quite well, "just" doesn't show images.

sh: dot: command not found.

> > As for the unstoppable number of "dot not found" messages, one is > generated for each callgraph doxygen can't generate.

Setting DOT_PATH = path/to/dot.exe works here.