These reports document patterns of human rights abuses and provide a blueprint for change.Across the United States, gunshots are fired every day. We also worked to amplify media reports that highlighted how French-sold weapons were being used in Yemen, contrary to government assertions. I’m also going to write a book about the uprising.

It can also protect democracies.In 2019, people’s struggle for human rights, equality and representation around the world was partially enabled by, and played out on, digital platforms. This stopped ethnic cleansing from spiralling out of control and saved thousands of lives.Religious leaders from CAR meeting with then UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as organised by Crisis Action.Contributed to the successful negotiation of a political agreement in the DRC that averted potentially widespread violence and led to a peaceful transition of leadership in 2018.Prevented an attack on the vital lifeline of Hodeidah port in Yemen that enabled aid to continue to flow to tens of millions of people.Helped procure a ceasefire agreement in South Sudan that significantly reduced deaths by ensuring that South Sudanese women and young people were directly involved in peace talks and pressuring the UN to impose, for the first time, targeted sanctions and an arms embargo.Steadfast and strategic campaigning by Crisis Action and our Yemeni and international partners has pushed the conflict into the headlines and in front of policymakers and kept it there. In 2018, we cannot take for granted that we will be free to gather together in protest or to criticize our governments. Write for Rights 2019 EVERY LETTER, EACH SIGNATURE ADDS UP TO MAKE POSITIVE CHANGE. The Nigerian military’s treatment of those who escape such brutality has also been appalling. You can Thank you to everyone in our global network that enables us to continue to build innovative collaborations to save lives.At Crisis Action, we have a mantra of “unreasonable optimism”. And a seemingly forgotten war in Yemen became the primary foreign policy concern of key western powers, in part thanks to civil society campaigning.From empowering inspirational activists to push back against closing civic space in Sudan, to working with brave Russian journalists to tell stories about war crimes in Syria that their government wanted to suppress, much of what Crisis Action does is about enabling amazing individuals to have maximum impact. Novaya Gazeta journalist, Olga Bobrova, told us afterwards that the forum discussions “allowed us to look at the people about whom we talked only in abstract before [and see them] as alive, active, working hard for peace and justice.”The shift in Russian media coverage is starting to pay off: recent polling showed that, for the first time, a majority of Russians are opposed to their government’s military support for Assad. Milioni di persone sono a rischio a causa delle loro spietate politiche.. A documentarlo è il lavoro di ricerca raccolto nel Rapporto Annuale 2017 di Amnesty International, edito in Italia da Infinito edizione. The letter was well received and soon afterward, the group issued a Smart collective action can save lives. The World Health Organization (WHO) has already designated the disease a pandemic, and as of the release of this statement, there have been 153,517 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and over 5,000 deaths across more than 100 countries on all inhabited continents. is supported by ECRE & UNHCR. For example, members of the Municipal Committee for the Defence of Common and Public Assets (Comité Municipal por la Defensa de los Bienes Comunes y Públicos, CMDBCP) faced criminal proceedings before courts that normally deal with cases involving organized crimeMost attacks against human rights defenders remained unpunished.