At the conclusion of hostilities all original personnel were evacuated from HM Fort Roughs. Postcard of HM Fort Roughs of Principality of Sealand with and map location. The Principality of Sealand, commonly known simply as Sealand, is a small micronation off the coast of Suffolk on a World War II Fort named HM Fort Roughs. It consists of a Sealand has been involved in several commercial operations, including the issuing of coins and postage stamps and the establishment of an offshore Internet hosting facility, or "Several dozen different Sealand coins have been minted since 1972. The armament consisted of British government official entities used Roughs Tower for a variety of purposes until 1956 when all full-time personnel were finally removed. Knížectví Sealand (anglicky Principality of Sealand) je svémocně vyhlášený mikrostát, rozkládající se na 550 m² velké umělé plošině HM Fort Roughs (veškerý prostor k bydlení činí 4 000 m²) z časů druhé světové války, stojící v Severním moři 10 km od pobřeží východní Anglie. Roughs Tower remained identified by name on 1956: Removal of full-time HMG personnel from Roughs Tower However, Sealand claims to have official national Sealand claims that its first official athlete was Darren Blackburn of In 2008, Sealand hosted a skateboarding event with Church and East sponsored by In 2009, Sealand announced the revival of the Sealand Football Association and their intention to compete in a future In 2009 and 2010, Sealand sent teams to play in various In 2012 Sealand was represented in the flat track variant of Sealand played a friendly match in aid of charity against an "All Stars" team from In 2015, the runner Simon Messenger ran a half-marathon on Sealand as part of his "round the world in 80 runs" challenge.In August 2018 competitive swimmer Richard Royal became the first person to swim the 12 km from Sealand to the mainland, finishing in 3 hrs 29 mins. Even though a man named Michael Bates says Sealand is a country, no other country has supported this claim. It comprised a floating pontoon base with a superstructure of two hollow towers joined by a deck upon which other structures could be added. Approximately 100 men were assigned to the barge before deployment on Rough Sands, and the facility was occupied by 150-300 Royal Navy personnel throughout World War II. There is only room for 300 people on it. V roce 2018 měla 27 obyvatel, z toho jen 2 trvalé obyvatele. On 11 February 1943 the fort was towed by three tugs to a location on Rough Sands where its base was intentionally flooded so that it sank to a resting place on the sandbar. There was a steel framework at one end supporting a landing jetty and crane which was used to hoist supplies aboard. Since 1967, the decommissioned HM Fort Roughs has been occupied by the family and associates of While it has been described as the world's smallest country,Bates moved to the mainland when he became elderly, naming his son, Roughs Tower was occupied in February and August 1965 by Jack Moore and his daughter Jane, squatting on behalf of the pirate station On 2 September 1967, the fort was occupied by Major In 1968, British workmen entered what Bates claimed to be his In August 1978, Alexander Achenbach, who describes himself as the Prime Minister of Sealand, hired several German and Dutch Following the former's repatriation, Achenbach and Gernot Pütz established a In 1997, the Bates family revoked all Sealand passports, including those that they themselves had issued over the previous 22 years.On the afternoon of 23 June 2006, the top platform of the Roughs Tower caught fire due to an electrical fault. The twin towers were divided into seven floors that provided dining and sleeping accommodation and storage areas for generators and munitions. A Roy Bates died at the age of 91 on 9 October 2012; he had been suffering from Michael Bates stated in late 2016 that Sealand was receiving hundreds of applications for passports every day.Sealand's claim to be an independent sovereign state is based on an interpretation of a 1968 decision of an English court, in which it was held that Roughs Tower was in international waters and thus outside the jurisdiction of the domestic courts.In 1987, the UK extended its territorial waters from 3 to 12 nautical miles (6 to 22 km). The story of Sealand starts in 1967, where a British man named Paddy Roy Bates started to occupy the Rough Towers, originally know as the HM Fort Roughs, an anti-aicraft platform built during World War II by the British. Sealand is a "micronation" that supposed to have de factor recognition by United Kingdom and Germany. Due to its small area of 0.004 km² and population of around 20, the micronation has been mocked frequently on the internet. Royal visited the platform before the swim, getting his passport stamped. In the early 1990s, Achenbach's German group also produced a coin, featuring a likeness of 'Prime Minister Seiger'.This Felixstowe post code was terminated by the Royal Mail in December 2018.In 2000, worldwide publicity was created about Sealand following the establishment of a new entity called Sealand is not recognised by any major international sporting body, and its population is insufficient to maintain a team composed entirely of Sealanders in any team sport.
Electricity needs were met by several generators. The locations of the seven Maunsell Forts off the east coast of England with HM Fort Roughs right above.Fort Roughs was constructed in 1942. It was accredited as an inaugural and therefore current world and British record by the World Open Water Swimming Association (WOWSA) The naval fort is situated on Rough Sands, a sandbar located approximately six miles from the coast of Suffolk and eight miles from the coast of Essex. The pontoon was reinforced concrete measuring 168 by 88 feet. It was sent inside an envelope with a postmarked Sealand stamp from Belgium. Sealand now sits inside British waters.Irrespective of its legal status, Sealand is managed by the Bates family as if it were a recognised sovereign entity and they are its hereditary Sealand's constitution was instituted in 1974. He entered the water from the 'bosuns chair', signalling the start of the swim, and finished on Felixstowe beach.
It is today the self-proclaimed and … The fort was topped by a gun deck, an upper deck and a central tower unit which housed the radar equipment.