President of Russia, ceased to carry out its mandate, regardless of age, is entitled to a monthly lifetime pay of 75% of the monthly remuneration of the President of Russia. However, this changes after he starts antagonizing Kaito, who Maki developed a romantic interest in.

He attempts to separate Shuichi and Kaito, telling Shuichi that he should be his friend instead. Gonta was once again tricked by Kokichi and used the Flashback Light, causing him to see the supposed truth of the outside world. Still determined to defeat Kokichi, Maki resolved to kill him no matter what she had to sacrifice. After spotting Miu go through the wall that only objects can pass through, Gonta tells Kokichi and the maniacal liar begins to understand the aspects of the program that Miu kept hidden from them and devises the full murder plan, informing Gonta of what to do. Finally having enough with this absurdity, K1-B0 used his recording function in order to convince Gonta that Kokichi had tricked him so that this absurdity would end. The two's attitudes towards each other turn increasingly more aggressive when it becomes apparent that Gonta might be the culprit. The keyword on his initial design was simply "shota", so he was made to look like a cute and personable boy. As a result, Korekiyo was found out as the culprit.
Kokichi begs to be executed along with Gonta, but he refuses the proposal. He told everyone that he wouldn't interfere with them any longer before leaving the gym, along with Miu's memento for them to use, the electrohammers. However, they do consider him suspicious for possessing such a title. As a result, the two keep fighting for Shuichi's attention, and Kokichi even teasingly mocks Kaito by asking twice if he likes him or something because he keeps pestering him when he is trying to talk with Shuichi. -Gives a Random Quote During the moment, Kokichi claims he had lied about not being good at fighting, and later in Chapter 5, he is seen punching Kaito without warning and earlier fought against him despite his wounds. Kokichi describes himself as an evil supreme leader, and often claims that this title is the reason behind many of his questionable actions as if he is expected to fulfill his role. This is possibly intentional from his part, as Tenko is very quick to violence and has threatened him multiple times, which is something Kokichi often wishes to avoid. Kokichi answers with a slightly surprised and innocent "huh!? Monokuma appeared amused as he pointed out that Kokichi truly is an evil bastard. Later, it is revealed that his organization is actually just a small group of pranksters who commit mild crimes for laughs and they are indeed strongly against killing, implying that Kokichi was honest during his last moments and possibly explaining his strong dislike for Maki's Ultimate talent. Kaito reassured everyone that there's no way the funeral could be real considering they were still alive and well. However, he also goes to extreme measures, such as claiming himself as the killer during the third class trial in order to bring out the real killer. Despite Kokichi being the one who created the plan, he is not considered the culprit of the murder as he did not directly kill anyone. Kokichi mockingly claims that the punch was just an accident and then indirectly reveals that he knows Kaito is ill and has lied to everyone about it. in the past. He also tries to keep Kaito away from Shuichi, claiming that Kaito and his beliefs are a bad influence on Shuichi and that Shuichi is the only one who can save them. -Sends a .gif of an Antag

He regularly calls him his "beloved Saihara-chan" in the Japanese version, and occasionally calls him "mister detective" or "mister Ultimate Detective".

He is also strangely straightforward about his supposed evil nature, openly claiming to be a leader of a large secret society, admitting to being a liar, and saying he has done nothing but bad things. Kokichi Oma was a normal talentless high school boy who participated in the After he successfully participated in the 53rd Killing Game, Kokichi's memories and past were fabricated by Team Danganronpa as follows: '. Notably, Kaito realizes how Kokichi's behavior changes during Chapter 4, appearing much more malicious than before, and he wonders what happened to him. Have you drank Panta? Kokichi then rejoined the rest of the group, pretending to have no idea what had transpired.