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Institut für Umweltforschung, RWTH Aachen.Ottermanns R. et al.
Poster presentation, Byun J., RoÃ-Nickoll M., Bursche V., Ottermanns R. (2014): Relationship between tree size ratio (DBH/H) and environmental factors in differently managed beech forests (Eifel region, Germany). Diploma-Thesis. Poster presentation, Haase H., Russell D.J., Burkhardt U., Toschki A., Oellers J., Scholze-Stark B., Ottermanns R., RoÃ-Nickoll M., Hausen J., Römbke J., Jänsch S., Höfer H. (2017): Working with databases - Assessing the practical usability of the soil-zoological data warehouse Edaphobase with myriapod data. Institut für Umweltforschung, RWTH Aachen.Ottermanns R. et al. Poster presentation, Russel D.J., Hausen J., Burkhardt U., Höfer H., Lesch S., Rick S., Jänsch S., Römbke J., RoÃ-Nickoll M., Scholz-Starke B., Ottermanns R. (2016): Ecological speciesâ models within the Edaphobase GBIF project of Germany. Everardus was born on October 22 1851, in Zevenaar. We develope hybrid mathematical and machine learning algorithms and methods for multivariate modeling, causal analysis and pattern recognition in ecology, environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology and other life-science branches. Poster presentation, Ottermanns R., Bursche V., Byun J., Krämer K., RoÃ-Nickoll M. (2014): On cybernetic principles in environmental science: Assessment of self-organized ecosystem integrity by means of negentropic information (Zur Bedeutung kybernetischer Prinzipien in der ökologischen Umweltbewertung: Beurteilung selbstorganisierter Ãkosystemintegrität anhand negentropischer Information). Join Facebook to connect with Nora Van and others you may know.
Logos Verlag, Berlin. Poster presentation, Di Paolo C., Keiter S., Ottermanns R., Ait-Aissa S., Brack W., Breitholtz M., Buchinger S., Carere M., Chalon C., Cousin X., Dulio V., Escher B., Hamers T., Hilscherová K., Jarque S., Jonas A., Kase R., Maillot-Marechal E., Marneffe Y., Pandard P., Schifferli A., Schulze T., Seidensticker S., Seiler T.-B., Tang J., Nguyen M.T., van der Oost R., Vermeirssen E., Zounková R., Zwart N., Hollert H. (2015): The NORMAN interlaboratory study on biotesting of spiked water extracts. Vortrag, SETAC-GLB, 6.-9.
Syngenta Jealotts Hill, England, 9th June 2004, invited lecture.RoÃ-Nickoll M., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., TheiÃen B., Toschki A., Schäffer A., Ratte H.T. Seit September 2018 arbeite ich mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern und Lehrerinnen und Lehrern an der Sekundarschule Solingen. Institute for Environmental Research (Biology V).
Effect of natural forest regeneration on beetle family composition in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with fr September 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany.Hopp P., Ottermanns R., RoÃ-Nickoll M. (2008): Recovery of leaf litter Beetle communities during Forest Regeneration in the Atlantic Forest. Topics are developed at the moment. Telefonisch bin ich unter der 0212-3838513 zu erreichen.Florian Müller arbeitet seit März 2019 als Schulsozialarbeiter an der Sekundarschule Central. Master-Thesis.Katja Schröder (ongoing): Determining eco-neurotoxicological potential using machine learning.
Oral presentation, Oellers J., Burkhardt U., Haase H., Höfer H., Jänsch S., Ottermanns R., Raub F., Römbke J., RoÃ-Nickoll M., Russell D., Salamon J.-A., Scholz-Starke B., Toschki A. (2016): Edaphobase - Data Warehouse, Sammlungsdokumentation, Metadaten und Auswertungswerkzeuge.
(Björn Scholz-Starke (2002): Ecological assessment of the homogeneity of different study areas on the basis of taxa and habitat diversity of macroinvertebrate organisms and macrophytes (Beurteilung der Homogenität verschiedener Untersuchungsgebiete anhand der Taxa- und Habitatdiversität von Makrozoobenthos und Makrophyten aquatischer Probenahmestellen).
91 Followers, 165 Following, 52 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Sabine van Hümmel (@rosaemma3271) Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin: 44-59.Ottermanns R. et al. Check out Nora Van Elken on Beatport.