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Teamplay. Cause that's where you need to be if you don't want to get deleted while using it. for some pretty fun results; I've been parts of archer squad ambushes that have utterly demolished much larger and more expensive armor columns.However, even as a singular weapon, the amount of disarray you can send enemy tank forces into with it is fantastic; having nowhere to safely repair is devastating to tank lines.Harassers hate you, because you can plant yourself somewhere inaccessible to them and keep plunking them with shots from extreme range, keeping them away from getting into killing range of friends and allies.Maxes will fear you, because you're the source of them suddenly missing a quarter, a third, or a half of their health.any recocmendation on how to actually get to these inaccesible places? I remember being part of an Archer squad that ultimately deleted a medium sized convoy from the top of a hill.I love this. Any automatic has better DPS, and rocket launchers or C4 have better single-shot burst damage. Back before they buffed the Lightning AP to one shot ESFs I would hit them and jump out to finish them off with my Archer. And to get kill you just hope what target doesn't have full health, thats it. Or start with bodyshot and finish with headshot, not opposite, because victim will panic and try to dodge follow-up shot.3 shots to kill flash, very useful, but since wraith cloak been nerfed there is very few flash drivers left (God bless Wrel for this nerf, open field fights was such a bullshit before)Theyre fine against maxes, as long as you can rearm quickly enough to respond to a crash.
"Added a new rare weapon to the Meltdown alert reward pool. PlanetSide 2 Forums. and what happens when and infiltrator sees me? It ain't run n;dr: archer is a long distance, team support weapon.Whip it out when you just barely lose a vehicle fight, to finish off your opponent. Wait for the rechamber to finish.
PlanetSide 2 is a massively multiplayer online first person shooter where players align with one of three unique empires.
The TR already has a 12.7x75mm rifle, but it isn't a proper AM-rifle. Players must own an Archer (or variant,) and win a Meltdown alert with at least 90% participation for a chance to unlock this weapon." They're a great tool for the vehicle game.
Open up PlanetSide 2, hit escape on your keyboard, then click the shopping cart button at the bottom right, then click Redeem A Code . 2.
Not even that i dare to say. Almost completely silent, shooting with it will not show the player on the mini-map, similar to guns with suppressor attachment on and MKV Suppressed. Harassers in particular do not like being chipped away by archers at hundreds of meters away. Spitfires get smashed by it along with other deployables. 「プラネットサイド2」(PlanetSide 2) の非公式Wikiです。PC版の情報を主に取り扱っています。どなたでも編集できます。
Head over to the official website of Daybreak games, the company behind PlanetSide 2, login and input the promo codes. Streamers/YouTubers like Cyrious, FaberOne, Camikaze78, Mofker, Ahorn, WinterGaming, Myian and Aeflic all continue to produce amazing content and streams that bring new players to the game every day. PlanetSide 2 Forums. PlanetSide 2 is a Massively Multiplayer first person shooter that delivers truly epic, massive combat on a scale never before seen in stunning, breathtaking detail. Even agains't MAXes it performs worse than decimator unless you land headshots. Sometimes that bit of chip damage can be enough to make vehicles move around which is always better than them staying stationary, but if there isn’t other forms of damage incoming sometimes it’s not enough to have much impact. Its huge and look badass but: barely damages max ...Thats exactly the problem. Maiden spawn with it, no shit, was on my robot, stepped out of the spawn, and dropped a flaming liberator hovering over the base and got three kills haha! Punish esf's that dont respect you, snipe bastion hardpoints from cover, Joust with lightnings and solo harassers.