Stavros was born in Athens to a wealthy family, son of Spyros Niarchos and his wife, Eugenie Koumantaros, a rich heiress. His great-great-grandfather, Philippos Niarchos, a Greek shipping agent in Valletta, had married a daughter from a noble family in Malta, whose younger offspring had moved to Greece to base themselves in a merchant business from Malta. In February 2107, following the projects completion, the SNF delivered the …

Stavros Niarchos. His parents were naturalized Americans who had owned a department store in Buffalo, New York before returning to Greece, three months prior to

He was married to Athina Livanos, Charlotte Ford, Eugenia Livanos, Melpomene Capparis and Helen Sporides. He was married to Athina Livanos, Charlotte Ford, Eugenia Livanos, Melpomene Capparis and Helen Sporides. Working in Greece and internationally, the Foundation began its grantmaking efforts in 1996, and it derives its mission from Niarchos´s commitment to Greece and Hellenism, as well as his keen instincts and interests in support of causes in the fields of education, social welfare, health, and arts and culture.The SNF does not necessarily share the views or opinions of the charitable organizations which it may choose to fund or otherwise assist, and no inference of any endorsement of such views or opinions as a consequence of any action the SNF may take in pursuit of its charitable purposes is warranted. By designating a significant part of his estate to establish the Niarchos’s legacy continues into the twenty-first century with the establishment of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) is the Stavros Niarchos Foundation's (SNF) largest single grant, which covered exclusively the cost for its design, construction, and outfitting. He died on April 16, 1996 in Zurich, Switzerland. Stavros Niarchos Founcation Cultural Center is a public space, where everyone has free access and can participate in a multitude of cultural, educational, athletic, environmental and recreational activities and events.

Stavros Niarchos was born on July 3, 1909 in Athens, Greece as Stavros Spyros Niarchos. Looking for something to watch? Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. He died on April 16, 1996 in Zurich, Switzerland. Niarchos’s legacy continues into the twenty-first century with the establishment of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. Stavros Niarchos was born on July 3, 1909 in Athens, Greece as Stavros Spyros Niarchos.