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The start on Monday is at 9.30 am CEST with the first round of 16 match, followed by the seven other matches of this round and one quarter-final.On Tuesday the three further matches of the 2nd round will take place as well as the semi-finals and the final, all best of 5.“Players absolutely thrilled. Table tennis fans worldwide will focus Düsseldorf from Monday on” Andreas Preuß, Manager, Borussia Düsseldorf.Here is the draw of the first event, done by former World Doubles Champion Roßkopf:1 Benedikt Duda (5) – Gerrit Engemann (13), 1 June, 9.30 am CEST10 Assar/Oehme – Karlsson/Meissner, 2 June, 9.30 CEST© Copyright 2019 - International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) These weekly tournaments, with finals in August, are organized by Borussia Düsseldorf with the support of the German Table Tennis Association, taking place at the start (1-2 June) and in the second week of June (8-9 June) as a two-day format.From the third week of the tournament onwards, matches will be played on three weekdays. Four players from the world’s top 50 as well as four other athletes from the top 100 make the Düsseldorf Masters a – on this level – unique tournament format during the pandemic. We are proud to announce our cooperation with our neighbor “Fortuna Düsseldorf”- the German Soccer Club in Division 1. The Air-Hotel Wartburg is just 3km away from the TC Rheinland Stadion. The series will conclude with a final tournament with eight professionals in August, for which the athletes must qualify or be enter through a wildcard.The premiere at the beginning of June has already attracted top-class participants. Düsseldorf‘s Timo Boll, currently ranked 10th in the world ranking list, leads ahead of Orenburg’s Dimitrij Ovtcharov (11) and Boll’s Swedish Bundesliga team-mate Kristian Karlsson (24). Fon: 0211/ 650 4620 Fax: 0211/ 650 4020 Der Deutsche Tischtennis-Bund mit der Stadt Düsseldorf und dem Land Nordrhein-Westfalen als Partner hat den Zuschlag für den LIEBHERR Men’s World Cup 2020 bekommen. “Good luc…Rheinische Post - our local newspaper For widespread media coverage, we work together with the regional newspaper. Beim Finalturnier in der spanischen Hauptstadt (23. bis 29. The new format, which will be played almost weekly at the ARAG CenterCourt from June to August, the home of Germany’s top club Borussia Düsseldorf, is intended to give the German national team players, the players of Borussia Düsseldorf and the players of the training group at the German Table Tennis Centre in Düsseldorf intensive practice matches.Timo Boll, Dimitrij Ovtcharov and Patrick Franziska, three world-class table tennis aces, are among the participants. The…Welcome in the sporting city of Düsseldorf! The sport city of Düsseldorf moves – athletes as spectators. Junior tournament of the highest DTB category N1 andWith more than 400 participants, daily TV live broadcasting and regular coverage in local & national media outlets (print & online) it’s not a surprise that we also have thousands of visitors who will watch your game throughout the tournament.„Soccer meets tennis“ Local heros for the win! geschieht! Tennis hat Tradition in unserer Sportstadt und ich denke, dass dieses Event perfekt zu uns passt“, sagt Burkhard Hintzsche, Stadtdirektor und Sportdezernent der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf. Check out the conditions: Single Rooms: 55,-/Night inclusive Breakfast, Service, W-LAN and taxes Double… Anmeldung zum 39. But that will change by next Monday.
Somit haben Sie stets den Überblick, was beim TC Düsseldorf 1913 e.V. The pros keep their fingers crossed for all participants at Düsseldorf Junior Open.