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Per il rimanente 5 % non vale neppure la pena impegnare una lotta.Gülen appoggia il tentativo della Turchia di aderire all'Secondo alcuni osservatori (Aras e Caha), le opinioni di Gülen sulla donna sono "progressiste" ma "le sue idee in Turchia sono considerate ancora troppo lontane dall'essere accettabili." The remaining 5% "are not worth fighting for. Muhammed Fethullah Gülen (born 27 April 1941) is a Turkish Islamic scholar, preacher, and a one-time opinion leader (as de facto leader of the Gülen movement : an international, faith-based civil society organization once aligned with Turkey's government, but since … A volte svolgendo lavori difficili e pesanti. Fethullah Gülen (Pasinler, 27 aprile 1941) è un predicatore e politologo turco (autore di oltre 60 libri), studioso dell'Islam e leader del movimento Gülen, conosciuto più significativamente come Hizmet (Il servizio). Among his strongest supporters and collaborators has been for years the Greek Orthodox Turcologist and professor at the Gülen has shown sympathy towards certain demands of Turkey's Gülen does not advocate a new theology but refers to classical authorities of theology, taking up their line of argument.He teaches that the Muslim community has a duty of service (Turkish: Excerpt from Gülen-penned op-ed in the New York Times: "In Lester Kurtz's (of University of Texas, Austin) words, "One of the most striking operationalizations of Gulen's fusion of commitment and tolerance is the nature of the Gulen movement, as it is often called, which has established hundreds of schools in many countries as a consequence of his belief in the importance of knowledge, and example in the building of a better world.
"Gülen's followers have built over 1,000 schools around the world.During the 1990s, he began to advocate interreligious tolerance and dialogue.Gülen has said that he favors cooperation between followers of different religions as well as religious and secular elements within society. Egli crede tuttavia che il Ciò non di meno, l'associazione della donna alla sfera privata è giustificata dalla sua stessa fisiologia: "un uomo può spendere l'intero anno attivamente. Be upholders and standard-bearers of justice, bearing witness to the truth for God’s sake, even though it be against your own selves, or parents or kindred.”According to one Gülen press release, in democratic-secular countries, 95% of Islamic principles are permissible and practically feasible, and there is no problem with them. "As of 2018, Gülen resides at the Hizmet movement-affiliated Golden Generation Worship and Retreat Center, a 25-acre wooded estate in the I want to also add that the architects of the coup also took some positive administrative decisions. The recent setback in the Turkish democratic experience is not because of adherence to these Islamic values, but rather because of their betrayal. Speaking against oppression is a democratic right, a civic duty and for believers, a religious obligation. Ambassador to Turkey Despite Gülen's and his followers' statements that the organization is non-political in nature, analysts believed that a number of corruption-related arrests made against allies of Erdoğan reflect a growing political power struggle between Gülen and Erdoğan.The Erdoğan government has said that the corruption investigation and comments by Gülen are the long term political agenda of Gülen's movement to infiltrate security, intelligence, and justice institutions of the Turkish state, a charge almost identical to the charges against Gülen by the Chief Prosecutor of Turkey in his trial in 2000 before Erdoğan's party had come into power.According to some commentators, Gülen is to Erdoğan what Shortly after the botched coup attempt of 15 July 2016, the On 19 July, an official request had been sent to the U.S. for the extradition of Fethullah Gülen.On 19 September, Turkish government officials met with retired US Army Lt. General In addition, the Turkish government reportedly sought to pressure a number of foreign governments into shutting down schools and medical facilities allegedly associated with the Gülen movement including in Pakistan, Somalia, Germany, Indonesia, Nigeria and Kenya.Mahrous argues that Erdoğan has not only accused Gülen of plotting the failed coup attempt, but also used this allegation as an excuse to In July 2017, one year after the anti-Erdoğan putsch, Gülen wrote: "Accusations against me related to the coup attempt are baseless, politically motivated slanders.