At the same time, Soviet agents planted within the UPA had taken their toll on morale and on the UPA's effectiveness. The UPA was responsible for military operations while the OUN was in charge of administrative duties; each had its own chain of command. The first one of these, titled "Polish survivors constructed monuments and memorial tables in the places where they settled after the war, e.g. On May 30, 1947 Shukhevych issued instructions joining the OUN and UPA in underground warfare.In 1948, the Soviet central authorities purged local officials who had mistreated peasants and engaged in "vicious methods". 320Peter J. Potichnyj "As for the killings of Jews and Poles, Potichnyj argues that no matter where guerrillas fight for liberation, it's a messy affair. The armed resistance received covert support from the local rural population, embittered by the concurrent forced collectivization drive, reminiscent of the 1930s in eastern Ukraine.… This work was particularly attributed to the The UPA also proved to be especially adept at assassinating key Soviet administrative officials. Repressive-punishment system in Ukraine. The OUN's stated immediate goal was the re-establishment of a united, independent, mono-ethnic During its existence, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army fought against the Poles and the Soviets as their primary opponents, although the organization also fought against the Germans starting from February 1943 - with many cases of collaboration with the German forces in fight against Soviet partisan units. The hierarchical order of known ranks and their approximate U.S. Army equivalent is as follows:The rank scheme provided for three more higher general officer ranks: Heneral-Poruchnyk (Major General), Heneral-Polkovnyk (Lieutenant General), and Heneral-Pikhoty (General with Four Stars).Initially, the UPA used the weapons collected from the battlefields of 1939 and 1941.In a memorandum from August 14, 1941 the OUN (B) proposed to the Germans, to create a Ukrainian Army “which will join the German Аrmy ... until the latter will win” (preferable translation: "which will unite with the German Army ... until [our] final victory"), in exchange for German recognition of an allied Ukrainian independent state.At the beginning of October 1941, during the first OUN Conference, the OUN formulated its future strategy. From such a network of spies, the work of whole teams is often penetrated...".

Sent to reinforce them: 256, 192nd regiments; 1 battalion three armored trains (45, 26, 42). and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), whose members resisted both totalitarian regimes—Nazi Germany and the Communist USSR—for over a dec-ade during and after the Second World War. Ukrainian Insurgent Army [Українська повстанська армія (УПА); Ukrainska povstanska armiia (UPA)].

UPA partisans fought against the communists by the end of the 40 th century. (2008).

1917-1953 Vol.2 Kiev Lybid-Viysko Ukrainy, 1994 Theses include deported (1944-47): families of OUN/UPA members–– 15,040 families (37,145) persons; OUN/UPA underground families – 26,332 (77,791 persons) taken from: Ivan Bilas. Handbook. and В Крыму открыт монумент жертвам бандеровцев 14.September 2007. In the region of According to the OUN/UPA, on May 12, 1943, Germans attacked the town of Kolki using several SS-Divisions (SS units operated alongside the German Army who were responsible for intelligence, central security, policing action, and mass extermination), where both sides suffered heavy losses.In June 1943, German SS and police forces under the command of From July through September 1943, as a result of an estimated 74 clashes between German forces and the UPA, the Germans lost more than 3,000 men killed or wounded while the UPA lost 1,237 killed or wounded.

It also refrained from open anti-German propaganda activities.At the Second Conference of the OUN(B), held in April 1942, the policies for the “creation, build-up and development of Ukrainian political and future military forces” and “action against partisan activity supported by Moscow” were adopted. German auxiliary police and guard units, composed not only of ethnic Beginning in the summer of 1943, UPA units from the northwestern region conducted southward raids into In the first two years of the German occupation the The basic combat unit during most of the UPA's history was a The UPA made use of two rank systems, a functional one and a traditional formal one (see Publishing was usually the responsibility of the political-During 1943 the UPA staged some successful ambushes and battles against the During the first half of 1944 numerous ambushes, skirmishes, and large-scale battles occurred between The demobilization order did not apply to the forces of the Sixth Military District—the Sian Division of the UPA-West—which operated in Ukrainian ethnic territories that were annexed by Some UPA units continued to operate in 1948 and 1949 in the Carpathian Hoverlia Military District (see Although German policies were criticized, the In July 1942 OUN (B) issued a statement in which it stated that the main enemy targeted was “Moscow”, while Germany was criticized for its policy concerning the Ukrainian independent state.

Strictly will I preserve all military and all national secrets. From January 1, 1945 until May 1, 1945 the NKVD and Soviet Army troops suffered 2,513 killed, 2,489 wounded, 524 MIA and captured. Also in In response to this, many southern and eastern provinces, despite the fact that the UPA did not operate in these regions, have responded by opening memorials of their own dedicated the UPA's victims. Timothy Snyder. UPA partisans fought against the communists by the end of the 40 th century. – Munchen, 1950 p.20Institute of Ukrainian History, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Grzegorz Motyka, Ukraińska Partyzantka 1942-1960, Warszawa 2006, p. 329Institute of Ukrainian History, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Grzegorz Motyka, Od rzezi wołyńskiej do akcji "Wisła". Until December 1942, OUN (B)'s principal activity was propaganda and the development of its own underground network; at that time, actions against the Germans were described as undesirable and provocative.The “Military conference of OUN (B)” met in December 1942 near Anti-German actions were limited to situations where the Germans attacked the Ukrainian population or UPA units.During the German occupation, the UPA conducted hundreds of raids on police stations and military convoys. They battled against Hitler and Stalin.