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In the following years, he changed employers several times and, in 1956, started working at the In the late 1950s, Tappert started taking part in movie and television productions.
Horst Tappert (26 May 1923 – 13 December 2008) was a German movie and television actor who played Inspector Stephan Derrick in the television drama Derrick.
The series was licensed in 104 countries and was popular with the Chinese, Japanese, and Italians (and even Pope In interviews and his memoirs, Tappert did not elaborate on his World War II career, claiming to have served as a company medic in the Tappert died on 13 December 2008 in Planegg, Germany. Filmografio (elekto) 1958 Wir Wunderkinder, kun Hansjörg Felmy, Robert Graf, Johanna von Koczian Sein Urnengrab liegt auf dem Friedhof von Gräfelfing im Nach der Rückkehr aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft stellte er sich als Ende der 1950er Jahre trat er erstmals in Kino- und Fernsehfilmen auf. Ursula Pistor: Nicknames: Horst Tappert, Tappert, Horst: Star Sign: Gemini # Fact; 1: In April 2013 information emerged that actor Horst Tappert served as a member of the notorious Waffen-SS during World War II and hid the fact for years. Tappert enjoyed fishing and hunting. Tappert og kona Ursula hadde hytte i Hamarøy kommune i Nordland fra 1990 til 2008, da de pga. What we do. Li havis tri gefilojn. You could also do it yourself at any point in time.It will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the WIKI 2 technology. In the following years, he changed employers several times and, in 1956, started working at the In the late 1950s, Tappert started taking part in movie and television productions. Every page goes through The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. He was the father of three children (Karin, Ralph and Gary). Would you like Wikipedia to always look as professional and up-to-date? német színész, aki a Derrick című, 1973 és 1998 között készített nyugatnémet bűnügyi televíziós sorozat címszereplőjeként tett szert nemzetközi hírnévre. In the following years, he changed employers several times and, in 1956, started working at the In the late 1950s, Tappert started taking part in movie and television productions.
Their height was 6 ft 2 in. Horst Tappert vivis en Gräfelfing apud Munkeno, en tria geedzeco edziĝinta de 1957 kun Ursula nask. Pistor. Divorced twice, he last lived in Gräfelfing near Munich with his third wife, Ursula Pistor (married in 1957). Tappert wurde 1923 als Sohn eines Beamten im heutigen Zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt war Tappert Soldat der Tappert selbst hat sich über seinen Lebensweg während des Tappert starb am 13. Pistor. Thanks to "Derrick", Horst Tappert was the only German actor with fan clubs abroad. The series was licensed in 104 countries and was popular with the Chinese, Japanese, and Italians (and even Pope In interviews and his memoirs, Tappert did not elaborate on his World War II career, claiming to have served as a company medic in the Tappert died on 13 December 2008 in Planegg, Germany.Congratulations on this excellent venture… what a great idea!I use WIKI 2 every day and almost forgot how the original Wikipedia looks like.
Horst Tappert (Elberfeld, 1923. május 26. Horst Tappert, né le 26 mai 1923 à Elberfeld (aujourd'hui Wuppertal) et mort le 13 décembre 2008 à Munich, est un acteur allemand. In februari 2009 maakte zijn derde echtgenote Ursula Tappert-Pistor, die hij in 1957 had leren kennen, bekend dat hij was gestorven nadat hij van de beademing gehaald was en de infusen waren verwijderd. Tappert mortis la 13-an de decembro 2008 post longa malsano en aĝo de 85 jaroj en Munkena kliniko. I 2002 fikk Tappert den norsk-tyske Willy Brandt-prisen. – Planegg, München mellett, 2008. december 13.) Tappert enjoyed fishing and hunting. He was the father of three children. Tappert mortis la 13-an de decembro 2008 post longa malsano en aĝo de 85 jaroj en Munkena kliniko. Su esposa Ursula Pistor también es actriz, egresada de la misma escuela de actuación en Berlín que Ellinor Hamsun , hija del escritor y premio nobel noruego Knut Hamsun . Konen Ursula Pistor er også skuespiller, utdannet fra den samme skuespillerskolen i Berlin som Ellinor Hamsun, datteren til Knut Hamsun. Eine erste (wortlose und nur sekundenlange) Rolle hatte er allerdings bereits 1949 in Ab Mitte der 1950er Jahre war Tappert auch häufig als Bereits 1960 spielte er die Titelrolle in dem Stück Nach dem Beginn der Derrick-Reihe trat er beim Rundfunk nur noch selten als Sprecher in Erscheinung. E…
Ursula Pistor (1957) Službena stranica; Osvojene nagrade Oscar; Bambi (1979, 1990, 1998) Telegatto (1986, 1987, 1990, 1999) Horst Tappert (26. maj 1923 − 13. decembar 2008) je bio njemački filmski i televizijski glumac poznat po tumačenju naslovne uloge inspektora Stephana Derricka u … Horst Tappert reached her 75-year age limit for becoming a television actor. Personal life Edit. His father, Julius Tappert, was a civil servant; his mother was Ewaldine Röll Tappert. [citation needed] Divorced twice, he lived in Gräfelfing near Munich with his third wife Ursula Pistor (since 1957).