- 6.7 0.8UV -
To show variation within the months and not just the monthly totals, we show the rainfall accumulated over a sliding 31-day period centered around each day of the year.
2.0m/s E leichte brise 3.1m/s W leichte brise 3.4m/s S leichte brise 2020 Sonnig
Sonnig und sehr heiß Sonnig und sehr heiß 2.5m/s SW leichte brise -
3.9m/s W leichte brise - 2.4m/s N leichte brise
- 1.2UV - Sonnig
Klares Wetter 2.2UV 0.1UV Klares Wetter Sonnig
Sonnig 2.2UV - - In Bar, the summers are short, warm, humid, and mostly clear and the winters are long, cold, wet, windy, and partly cloudy. Sonnig - Sonnig Klares Wetter trademarks or the property of another party (including ours), or vulgar, obscene or in any other way inappropriate.
Sonnig und sehr heiß - Klares Wetter 6UV Sonnig
Klares Wetter
1.4UV 6.1UV
Sonnig -