:s Huolon (Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent) seems to be spawning much faster as of 8.0 submitted 11 months ago * by DINOSAUR_BLOOD Spawn timer used to be between 30 and 60 minutes, multiple times today I've logged in before my 30 minute timer has gone off and it's already spawned and had time to …

Boven Artisan Hunter Posts: 915 Joined: Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:00 pm Realm: Argent Dawn. He is very popular due to the fact that he can drop a mount. Afin de poster une réaction, vous devez être connecté !World of Warcraft et Blizzard Entertainment sont des marques ou des marques déposées de Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. aux États-Unis d’Amérique et/ou dans d’autres pays. 3) It's almost instakill for 110+ characters (depends on the spell) and instakill for 120 level.

Quick links. Obtaining Items from the Black Market Auction House Read the details. He can be killed as many times as you like, there is no CD.My experience: I farmed Huolon for about 5 months before getting my mount. You need to provide your account. Type: drop. You will earn Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent.

Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent mount boost carry is available for the WoW EU region including United Arab Emirates, Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Finland, Ireland, Belgium, Austria, United Kingdom, Denmark, Kuwait, Qatar, Greece, Cyprus etc. This ebony cloud serpent is a lightning-wreathed vision of such rarity as to have driven many mortals to madness. That is where it spawns.It follows all the other rares spawning time, 30 to 60 mins not more, nor less.It looks like there might be some way to solo it, but honestly I wouldn't suggest it, also there are always tons of people there so killing it is not going to be a problem!Also you don't need to be in a group, loot is personal and anyone can tag it.The mount has a pretty low dropping rate, it said to be 1%, but again RNG :satisfied: . Forum rules Be respectful of others or else. The Littlest Mountain: A collector's overview of EVERY Mount and Pet in the game! You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! A fun place to chat about hunter pets in the World of Warcraft. 3. Rênes de serpent-nuage d'onyx fulminant MoP - Ce serpent-nuage d’obtient sur Huolon, un élite rare qui parcourt le ciel de l’île du Temps figé. Drop rate: very low (RNG) Flyes: yes. Loot 2x pour ma part le même jour, beaucoup de chance mais inutile pour le coup. Taught by: Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent. Magnifique, Huolon es vraiment le mob rare sur lequel je me précipite toujours à l'ile du temps figé en voyant l'annonce ^^ During the time, that we had sometime till Huolon respawns, we farmed other stuff like Spineclaw Crab or Death Adder Hatchling, so use your time efficiently ! Where: Timeless Island.

Or just talk about WoW mounts. Or just talk about WoW mounts. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment:Your comment must be in English or it will be removed.You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent [Update] A companion forum for Warcraft Mounts. WoW. Author. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Huolon The Black Wind Race Cloud serpent (Beast) Level 92 Rare Elite Health 15,177,312 Reaction Alliance Horde Location Timeless Isle [67.2, 60.4] See Huolon The Black Wind Level: 92Rare Elite Timeless Isle [67.2, 60.4] Huolon[67.0, 60.4] is a rare elite Cloud Serpent that spawns at the bridge connecting The Blazing Way with Firewalker Ruins. 4.