It's like a hybrid between them. I love mine, my favorite moment of ship was shooting a DM broadside with rear gun 14km away and getting all 3 shells to citadel and the DM explode... the guns are that accurate. Displacement: 1850 tons (2905 tons full) 6 ships of the US Navy have been named USS Somers, and DD-381 is the fifth. This review was nearly completed when my health failed me back in late April and it's only now limping across the finish line as I'm only able to put a couple of hours of work in at a time before needing rest. It's like a hybrid between them. He then returned to Gibraltar to meet Commodore Edward Preble, in Constitution, who was bringing a new squadron for action against the Barbary pirates. As you say the heal is also very strong allowing you to run and heal. Add in USN smoke and AA abilities and … Somers is also equipped with decent guns, which, combined with her concealment and long-lasting American Smoke Generator (), make her a very formidable opponent.She has a decent hit point (HP) pool, but her lack of armor makes her extremely susceptible to enemy fire … After Boston returned to Washington, DC, Somers was furloughed on November 11, 1802 to await orders. Odenwald was taken to Puerto Rico.

Is it a fine ship - sure. Builder: Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, Kearny, USA Thereafter, Tripoli became the focus of Preble's attention.

However, the Somers class were still over-weight and top-heavy. It's a gearing with no AA and 2 extra torps. (ok this is effected by her being quite new and around mostly … It punishes potatoes like very few other ships can. An admiralty court ruled that since the ship was illegally claiming American registration, there were sufficient grounds for confiscation. Nautilus got underway on 30 June, reached Gibraltar on July 27, and sailed four days later to Spain. The following is a review of Ignis Purgatio & Ragnarok, the twin tier VIII Japanese premium battleships for the Warhammer… Continue reading “Premium Ship Review #149 – Ignis Purgatio & Ragnarok” … Posted on: June 18, 2020 Last updated on: June 18, 2020 Comments: 1 Written by: April WhiteMouse Project Wrecked: Episode 110. On 6 June 1944, Somers sank the German corvette UJ6081 and sloop SG21 in support of Operation Overlord, also known as the D Day landings at Normandy.

USS Somers, a destroyer commissioned in 1937, was named after U.S. Navy officer Richard Somers who gained fame for countering piracy in the Mediterranean. Enjoying Kurfurst,Bourgogne / Hindy,Zao,Kron,Henri / 52,Daring,Kleber.It seems you have no experience playing shima or gearing - the two ships Somers is closest to.Personally I've tested Somers and decided to not spend steel on it.Is it a fine ship - sure. Their low maximum elevation of +35 degrees of elevation was adopted mainly as a weight savings, as it was calculated that these ships would only be able to carry six DP guns rather than the eight SP guns that they actually did carry.

The additional weight was due to increased payload. [1] This was the first US destroyer class to use 600 psi (4,100 kPa) steam superheated to 850 °F (454 °C),[2] which became standard for US warships built in the late 1930s and World War II. With guns. Never submarines, they said.

Will take Stalingrad. Somers is a meh-boat most reviews have been lackluster.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA game about huge boats. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. She's fine. They were answers to the large destroyers that the Japanese navy was building at the time, and were initially intended to be flotilla leaders. Personally I've tested Somers and decided to not spend steel on it. Draft: 14 feet Gunboats.

Somers was laid down on 27 June 1935 at Federal, Kearny, New Jersey launched on 13 March 1937; co-sponsored by Miss Marie Somers and Miss Suzanne Somers; and commissioned at the New York Navy Yard on 1 December 1937, CDR James E. Maher in command.