When commenting on a video, you can type 0:45 in your comment, which will become a link to 45 seconds into the video. To link to your website from videos, you also need to be part of the YouTube Partner Program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf5FfA1j590&t=1h10s For example (not commented on any video): 0:45 I really liked the camera angle. YouTube Live - Watch great live streams, such as live gaming, live music, live sports, and live news. From the box that appears, copy the HTML code. You could use this to direct your comment to a specific part of someone’s video. You can learn more about The safety of our creators, viewers, and partners is our highest priority – and we look to each of you to help us protect this unique and vibrant community. Embedding a YouTube Video in PowerPoint. While you are on a YouTube video page, click the video statistics button (available below the video player) and you will see detailed information about the song including the name of the artist and the album. Link to a time position in your YouTube comments. When you want to link to a specific place in a YouTube video, instead of asking people to scroll forward to a particular time, you can instead link directly to the desired location in the video by adding this information to the end of the URL. Copy the updated shortened URL with the time stamp appended. Please note this is not a complete list.Here are some examples of content that’s not allowed on YouTube.Please remember these are just some examples, and don't post content if you think it might violate this policy.If your content violates this policy, we’ll remove the content and send you an email to let you know. A video featuring sexually themed content whose description says “click here to see what YouTube won’t allow!” and contains a link to a pornographic site. Marziah Karch is a former writer for Lifewire who also excels at Serious Game Design and develops online help systems, manuals, and interactive training modules. For the latest updates on how we’re addressing the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, please visit Links that send users to websites featuring content that violates our Community Guidelines are not allowed on YouTube.If you find content that violates this policy, please report it. On the drop-down menu, select the “Online Video” option. On a computer, go to the YouTube video you want to embed.
Embed a video. Click Embed. Here are two examples that jump to the same point in the video:
The victim is asked to download a codec, plugin, video update or some other software in order to be able to play the video. It's easy to add a time stamp to the end of the video's URL, something you can do manually or automatically. It’s important you understand our Community Guidelines, and the role they play in our shared responsibility to keep YouTube safe. The link that appears on the Facebook Messenger chat window directs the victim to sites infected with malware. For example, in Instructions for reporting violations of our Community Guidelines Don’t post links in your content on YouTube if they fit any of the descriptions noted below.This policy applies to videos, video descriptions, comments, live streams, and any other YouTube product or feature. Note: If you have a YouTube channel participating in the YouTube Nonprofit Program, you don't need to be part of the YouTube Partner Program. The time you choose can be anything: hours, minutes, or seconds. You can also add a time stamp using YouTube's sharing options. If your website or app is child directed and you embed YouTube videos, you must self designate your site and app using these tools.
Share this new URL, and anyone who clicks it sees the video beginning at the time stamp you specified. If it’s not, we’ll issue a strike against your channel. Open the video you want to share and play it or move through the timeline until you reach the exact moment you want to use in the time stamp. If the video should be started at 56 minutes in, Depending on the URL, there are two ways to add a timestamp to the video: If you get 3 strikes, your channel will be terminated. All browsers are supported, like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, etc. To add a timestamp manually, open the YouTube video in your browser, then locate the URL for this video in your browser's address bar.