The use of particulate material seems to have the greatest potential of exhausting this variability and knowledge. In the belder laboratories at the University of Leipzig, a broad field of research and application of lab-on-a-chip technology is carried out. Surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) is an attractive tool to label-free detection of even traces of molecules.
Additionally, its continuous mode of operation allows a combination with an online monitoring system for real time surveillance. is available on our b Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Leipzig, Johannisallee. MCE is a powerful analytical technique, which is characterized by high-speed separations, small sample and reagent requirements and high-throughput. shorter separation times and lower chemical consumption. In addition, the application of 2-photon-excitation made the use of expensive quartz components dispensable.Microfluidic droplets are a versatile tool in synthesis and analytical high-throughput-screening (HTS) on a microfluidic scale. Am Institut für Analytische Chemie der Universität Leipzig, Lehrstuhl Prof. Belder, sind im Rahmen von Drittmittelprojekten die folgenden befristeten Stellen zu besetzen. T.-A.
We investigate the integration of sensing components in microfluidic analytical systems for continuous on-line recording of chemical and biological species on the microscale. Core of a MCE-system is a small glass or polymer microchip with integrated microfluidic channels of a few micrometers in size.
We developed a method to implement frits with high spatial resolution in a separation channel of a microfluidic network. It thus provides a good alternative to fluorescence spectroscopy, especially for those substances that do not show native fluorescence. Institut für Analytische Chemie, Universität Leipzig, Johannisallee 29, 04103 Leipzig (Germany), Fax: (+49) 341‐973‐6115. Even demanding subsecond chiral separations could be performed. A particular focus in recent years has been on integrated chip laboratories that combine chemical reactors and analysis units on one chip.Microchip chromatography offers a wide range of separation modes. The Belder Group is known for miniaturized separation techniques such as chip electrophoresis and chip HPLC. E-mail: Fax: +49 341 97 36115 Tel: +49 341 97 36091 . Thus we are able to build particulate columns on demand. In a proof-of-concept study, we successfully applied the … Further research is directed towards hyphenation of microfluidic chemical sensing with other chip-integrated procedures such as chemical syntheses, analytical separations and biological applications.In order to separate complex protein mixtures such as in proteomics, chemical surface modification of microfluidic channels is absolutely necessary.For this purpose our group develops and validates a host of techniques for surface modification. In a highlighted paper we presented the first approach of the integration of a chemical reactor as well as an electrophoretic separation system on a microchip. Il commence alors une carrière de … Institut für Analytische Chemie, Universität Leipzig, Johannisallee 29, 04103 Leipzig, Germany En 1997 Belder remporte le prix musical de la NDR de Hambourg. The Belder lab also works on detection techniques such as the coupling of microfluidic chips with mass spectrometry or ion mobility spectrometry, as well as on optical techniques such as fluorescence and Raman microscopy. Corresponding Author.
to access the full features of the site or access our 3, D‐04103 Leipzig, Germany Fax: +49‐341‐9736115===Search for more papers by this author Corresponding Author. Supplementary information Contact. It allows for identification of compounds on the basis of mass spectrum, avoiding troublesome fluorescence tagging. 29, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany Abstract. Corresponding authors Thereby it circumvents common adsorption and memory effect problems associated with stationary SERS targets allowing multiple consecutive measurements in a continuous-flow system.