Embracing the role of Death, both within the dance and without. A Lieutenant unflinchingly leads his battle-brothers into battle, providing strategic adaptability.

Fanatical in the extreme, these psychopathic warriors only care about claiming skulls and spilling blood in the name of Khorne. to the smallest kill team, Ork Boyz are amongst the most naturally gifted warriors in the galaxy. They emerge from hiding places firing disciplined bursts from their marksman bolt carbines. Trained to be the last line of protection should their ship be boarded, Voidsmen are just effective should they need to make planetfall. Living for war and war alone, an Incubus is a warrior of the highest calibre, dedicated to perfection of the killing strike with their vicious klaives. Their control over arcane powers can prove the difference between victory and defeat.A Brother-Captain's place is in the very heart of the fighting, a shining example to the battle-brothers that he fights shoulder-to-shoulder with.The boldest, most noble warriors in the Chapter, each has slain one of the six hundred and sixty-six most powerful Daemons to ever manifest in the material realm.The elite of the elite. Famed for both their martial might and strategic wisdom, it is said that a Shield Captain knows neither fear nor self-doubt. Occasionally though, their charge sends them out as part of a kill team. Nearly invincible and utterly indomitable, Terminators can undertake missions that their power-armoured brothers cannot and emerge victorious. Armed with a Nemesis force weapon, they can slay Daemons as easily as they can kill mortals.Symbols of Imperial authority and grim-faced arbiters of disciplinary retribution. Far from unthinking machines, Necrons have been known to display truly inspired levels of cunning, though their predominant strategy is to obliterate their foes from afar with a relentless storm of atomising gauss energy.

Meanwhile, their weapons can cut down any xenos threat.Melee experts beyond compare, a Vanguard Veteran is are able to take down any xenos monstrosity in close combat.Warriors of peerless skill, they have reached the apex of training with every weapon in the Chapter's armoury.Only those Grey Knights with a will of iron and exceptional strength of mind ever become a Librarian. Richard Templar. Each is not only equipped with the very deadliest weaponry, but they also utilise specialist ammunition tailored towards the utter annihilation of their targets. The MV31 increases the range of T'au pulse weaponry. including 16% VAT. The MV1 brings additional firepower to a T'au Kill Team.

In battle, these kill teams operate as a microcosm of the greater T’au war machine. Composed of warriors who are more machine than man, each kill team is optimised to carry out specific sets of battlefield protocols. Furthermore, their cybernetics let them wage skirmish campaigns in environments that would kill unaugmented soldiers, allowing them to infiltrate enemy compounds in rad-blasted wastes and conduct hit-and-run attacks for months on end without sustenance or shelter. The MB3 guides Pathfinders against foes in cover. On the battlefield, they can put their psychic powers to good use. Only the most grizzled and seasoned Fire Warriors become Cadre Fireblades.

Tactical Squads are named for their battlefield adaptability and are equipped to deal with any threat. Wyches spend much of their time fighting – or training to fight – in the amphitheatres of Commorragh. Each shot is perfectly placed, each swing of a blade a masterclass in swordsmanship, footwork and combat awareness. Fighters must duck for cover behind barrels and stacks of smaller crates or risk being mercilessly gunned down. Though diminutive, cowardly creatures compared to their Ork cousins, Gretchin are much sneakier and far better shots. Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team is an exciting, fast-paced skirmish game set in the 41st Millennium, pitting 2-4 players against each other in close-ranged firefights and brutal melees.

Peerless in the skills of stealth and an expert marksman, often the first an enemy knows of Illic's presence is when his rifle claims another victim.