Maybe allow a user to set up their own spell slots/limit and adjust them manually if there's no set class guidelines to go off of.Especially if I wish to grant items, spells, or feats to a player as a story unlock. may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, which is permitted under Wizards' Fan Site Policy. Really tho you can already toggle rules on or off for wild shape and beast companion, so It should be the same for spell selectionIf we are meant to do this as a feat then can we get a generic feat called "Add Spell" or something with a dropdown of all the spells so that we don't have to do a homebrew feat for each spell? I think creating the feat is a great work around but you should be able to add or modify any part of the character sheet, especially if the Dm rewards you by giving you bonus things or spells that are not normally part of your race or class.Even If it was a simple as declaring what spell is on the spell scroll. Each time a spell is cast it subtracts from that number and once you're out of points the casting buttons gray out as unusable (say you cast a third level spell and you have less than 5 points left, all your third level spells gray out as unusable). So, I'd love to just allow them access to a healing spell or two that are outside their classes.seriously need this, for my players, and for NPCs I plot out with the character creator (cause its easier)Furthermore the functionality is already in your creature list function where you can toggle off the default rules.I just tested this but im pretty sure you can do this now using a featIs there a way using the homebrew feat feature to allow DMs to add a spell to be a part of a full caster's list of prepared spells. I need to be able to do this and then it lock it so the player can't remove it.This would be great! Now let's create a new spell that also fits our campaign scenario. Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components; Blade Ward: Abjuration: 1 Action: Self: 1 round: V, S: Dancing Lights: Evocation: 1 Action: 120 Feet: Concentration up to 1 minute Except spells.I would love to be able to add spells without having to create a feat first.

Those spells were in UA before UA was even on D&D Beyond.

For example, my cleric has the Silverstar of Selune feat - as such, she should be able to have the spell Moonbeam.

Multiple Spell Sniper Feats is an artifact of dndbeyond. I've given one of my players a custom cantrip in addition to the standard amount just for flavour and the only way I can add it is by giving him a feat that grants it to him... what a nightmare!This would be extremely helpful, as it would make it much easier to add spells instead of having to homebrew a spell that already exists simply to allow it for use with a different class. Dragon's Breath is a spell that's available as of level 2, with a castingtime of 1 Bonus Action for D&D 5e - Read up on all the spells on DND-Spells | Dungeons and Dragons 5e - Spells, Tools, Spell cards, Spellbooks'. Much like how currently in the character sheet, you can select "Manage Feats" to add additional feats outside of options at 4th, 8th, and other levels. However, there might be instances where via race or feat or simply DM preference, a character can be allowed access to spells outside of their class.Is there any plan to allow more flexible spell tying to a character? Since it is only for druids, though, I am unable to add it.I like this as well. For more information about Wizards of the Coast or any of Wizards' trademarks or other intellectual property, please visit their website at

Now let's create a new spell that also fits our campaign scenario. I was going to run Death House for a small group, and no one wants to play a Paladin or Cleric. It could easily be left out of the the list of feats included in leveling up so there's no confusion to the player, but then be included in the interface when you go to add an extra feat on the character sheet. D&D Beyond; Community; Feature Requests; Add non-class spells to a character Follow. In the mean time. Currently, it seems that spells are specifically tied into a character's class. For example, Dungeons & Dragons® is a trademark[s] of Wizards of the Coast.

The area can have a radius up to 100 feet, and the spell fails if the radius includes an area already under the effect a There are a number of other fields below the description field, which we do not want to change for this spell: The bottom of our spell page should now look like this: Subclasses Tutorial ; How to add tooltips to your creation; Introduction Tutorial ; Magic Items Tutorial ; Monsters Tutorial ; Spells Tutorial ; Spells Tutorial AmbyR August 19, 2020 23:16; Updated; Follow.

D&D Beyond; Homebrew Content; Homebrew tutorials; Articles in this section. Such as adding a spell as if it were a Druid Circle Feature or a Cleric Domain Spell?I've been thinking for the last few weeks how I would love to have this feature! This Rather than create a new spell from scratch, we're going to base our spell on an existing spell that already performs a similar function - Hallow.There are a number of fields we can skip, because we're happy with the values they contain: We picked well with Hallow, as the next few fields are also exactly what we wanted: You touch a point and infuse an area around it with holy shadow power. Megan Lyle August 10, 2018 05:59 ... Alternatively you can specify individual spells they can automatically have as extra (not choose) in a feat by Selecting a bunch of spells in one entry and checking "Is Infinite".