En Rusia, hasta las menores infracciones pueden conducir a la cárcel. DW Documentary gives you information beyond the headlines. We witnessed this scouting during a youth game, when young Kanata was put through his paces.He arrived in Munich as a 17-year-old, from Ghana via Italy. A DW film team has been following him for more than a year.DW's web documentary shows how artists built a new life after fleeing their home country.In the 16th century, Martin Luther’s 95 Theses led to a new understanding of faith.The 1600s saw much innovation: from the first newspaper publication to the discovery of new planets.The 18th century was the age of Enlightenment. Por primera vez, amplios sectores de la sociedad tienen acceso a los conocimientos. His high point of the season is not "El Clasico" but when Real Madrid play "La Bestia Negra" — "The Black Beast" from Munich. Las grandes guerras sacuden los fundamentos sobre los que se basan los ideales de libertad y dignidad humanas.

Netflix ha publicado más de 30 documentales en su canal de YouTube para que las personas puedan verlos gratis y sin necesidad de tener una suscripción al servicio. La serie de cinco capítulos "La ruta interoceánica" nos sumerge en el alma de América del Sur.En el segundo episodio, conocemos el estado brasileño de Rondonia y las carreras de "jericos".Una ruta, un continente. Usamos cookies a fin de mejorar nuestro servicio. Ai Weiwei: One of the most brilliant artists of our time? Encontrará más información en nuestras Políticas de privacidad.Siempre cercanos a la actualidad, a la escena internacional o a curiosidades de la vida cotidiana. And so began the international success story of FC Bayern Munich. Find us on YouTube 30.06.2017. Uli Hoeness bid farewell with the words, "It's not over yet." Cinco limpiadoras de Atenas son las protagonistas de la obra griega "Clean City”. Andy writes for The Guardian and is an expert for "Talksport," one of the world's biggest sport radio broadcasters. ¿A qué velocidad aumentará el nivel del mar por el calentamiento global? Watch high-class documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. "When I was 10 we had a black and white TV. In Brazil — close to the Bolivian border — he owns a ranch with 5,000 cattle. His opinion carries weight and one of his specialist topics is the relationship between English and German clubs. En Kiev, la capital de Ucrania, un movimiento que hunde sus raíces en el arte, el diseño de moda y la música electrónica ha emprendido el largo recorrido hacia Occidente.Unos dicen que es un legado útil de la evolución; otros, que es un error en el programa genético.Los Scorpions deciden despedirse de sus fans con una gira mundial.Con sus propios videos filmados, los refugiados narran dramáticas historias de su huida a Europa.Para muchos de los que logran llegar a Alemania, el centro de acogida de Friedland marca el inicio de una nueva vida.Berlín no hay solo uno, en todo el mundo hay más de un centenar de lugares con este nombre.Erdogan tiene más poder que nunca desde que encarceló a decenas de miles de presuntos golpistas. But they all agree on one thing: no-one personifies FC Bayern like Oli Kahn. Las noticias de todo el mundo llegan a los lectores. "In Madrid I can decide if the city sleeps well or goes to bed in a bad mood."   Con cámara en mano los reporteros de DW registran los sucesos de actualidad y los acontecimientos internacionales. I just stared at it, the whole night..."Giovane Élber lives a double life. "I absorbed all the values of the club, because success is only possible through complete identification with what you do," says the ex-goalkeeper.The 1967 European Cup final. Él mismo es quien debe inventar las reglas que hagan posible este mundo mejor. "I was slighter than everyone else, so that probably gave me the extra ambition I needed to succeed in the shark pool that is FC Bayern. Una condición que no le impide poseer armas atómicas. Luego de décadas de restricciones a los turistas, Irán comienza a abrirse ofreciendo un viaje en tren para conocer el país y sus gentes. He has been a passionate FC Bayern fan for 20 years – and with a very special perspective: "I love the game, sometimes it's like art. I love him more than anything. The world bore witness to rapid technological progress.Present day: the world of today is characterized by globalization and digitalization.documenta, Germany's renowned modern art exhibition, is being held in Athens for the first time in history.This bus ride spans 6,300 kilometers from Rio de Janeiro to Lima and takes 100 hours.In the second leg of the 'Transoceânica' tour, DW travels across the Amazon basin in Brazil. Football fans love them and hate them, but Bayern Munich also have a personal side. El día del intento de golpe de Estado ahora es feriado y sirve como mito fundacional de una "nueva Turquía". Because despite the countless clubs in the country, the 24-year-old supports FC Bayern. The 14-year-old Japanese is so talented that FC Bayern send a youth coach to observe him. In March 2014 he was sentenced to thee-and-a-half years in prison for tax evasion, ultimately serving around 11 months. We often watched live games: Rummenigge, Beckenbauer, Breitner, they were all famous back then. "Whether Palestinian or Jewish, when Bayern score a goal you hug everyone," says Kamal, a Palestinian living in Israel. On this page you'll find documentaries and reports from Germany, Europe and the world with carefully researched stories on politics, business, science, culture, nature, modern history, lifestyle and sports.How a Kurdish IS survivor began hunting terrorists after fleeing to Germany.

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Find us on Instagram 30.06.2017. The U.S. state of Ohio is struggling with an opioid epidemic. Reason-based belief helped shape the modern world.The 1800s saw the advent of the industrial revolution with people flocking to thriving cities.The 20th century was an era of extremes. I had the cup with me in bed that night.