Studying technical subjects part-time is possible at Telekom’s very own college for telecommunication in Leipzig. This helps to compensate for the difference between your previous monthly salary and your income for reduced working hours during family care leave. Textiles, Clothing, Leather, Watchmaking, Jewellery Deutsche Telekom covers the cost of the consultation and arrangement, while the service itself is at the employee’s expense.The illness and care of a loved one presents families and friends with great challenges - financially, organisationally and psychologically. Prerequisite:  You want to study for a recognized university degree, and operational requirements permit this. Info Buchungsformular/ Gemeinnützigkeit. In: You can do both! The program’s mission is to help staff avoid the career disruptions that can occur as a result of parental leave or reduced working hours. Sounds interesting?

Or perhaps further afield? Even some of our managers work in tandem. Day care centers are managed by well-known operators with many years of experience in the field of company childcare.Children love the school holidays, but for parents, they can sometimes be a headache. ErhaClinic Pacific Place. The experts for professional and life questions can be reached free of charge by telephone Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.Every person is different. The “Stay in contacT” network can help you. At the end of phased retirement, they transition to early retirement or regular retirement on a full pension. Much more flexible than the pre-existing part-time schemes. The recreation service also provides su The recreation service’s brochure includes 18 holiday resorts in Germany and the Netherlands, along with other options both near and far (as at: beginning of 2015). Depending on when employees enter phased retirement and how long this period lasts, they can retire from work between the ages of 62 and 66. Im Rahmen ihrer Dienstherrn- und Arbeitgeberfunktion nimmt die Bundesanstalt alle wesentlichen Aufgaben für ihr Personal bei den Sozialeinrichtungen wahr. They can play while you’re working or studying – perhaps even in one of the Telekom’s day nurseries.Employees must have reached the age of 55 to qualify for phased retirement. As before, employees continue to pay the applicable taxes and employee contributions to the individual social insurance elements (pension, health, care and unemployment insurance). Please indicate how many hours you would like to work and how these should be divided across the week. Geschichte. If your child’s regular childcare is unavailable, Deutsche Telekom can step in with emergency childcare, even if your child is sick. The charitable organization ErholungsWerk Post Postbank Telekom e.V. It may also be possible to extend this period. 285 meters Chilligstes Bett Prüm. The current online catalog presents 18 Erholungswerk holiday resorts in Germany and the Netherlands, as well as other holidays, both local and long-haul. What sorts of meetings should I be attending? Our recreation service, the “ErholungsWerk Post Postbank Telekom e.V.”, is a charitable association and offers Telekom employees (including former employees) reasonably priced holidays. These offices are available for use throughout Germany; locations currently include Hamburg, Darmstadt, Berlin, Bonn, Schwerin and Münster.

After your parental leave we want your return to work to be as easy as possible. Then please register with your responsible occupational physician (German: Betriebsärztlicher Dienst).Every year, more than 13,000 employees, from the age of 45, participate in a precautionary bowel-cancer check. The recreation service's brochure includes 18 holiday resorts in Germany and the Netherlands, along with other options both near and far (as at: beginning. ErholungsWerk also offers subsidies for any children traveling with you.Important: Book as early as possible to get the best deals. Data will be transfered as soon as the activation occurs. 319 meters Frühshoppen Bei Weis . These can be, for example, subsidies for job-related relocations. स्थानीय व्यवसाय. Wir haben Sie sehr vermisst! You should therefore discuss this with your manager approximately two months before the end of parental leave. On request, we can refer you to internal and external specialist departments.And what is important: Nobody learns anything about the interview, all consultants are bound to secrecy.Employee and management consulting also supports managers in their role as superiors, e.g. By continuing to use our services beginning May 25, 2018, you acknowledge and agree to our updated Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. The “ElterngeldPlus” is a good option for mothers and fathers who would like to start working part-time whilst receiving “Elterngeld”.Lifelong learning is something we especially encourage.