EU Member States speak and negotiate collectively, both in the The openness of the EU’s trade regime has meant that the EU is the biggest player on the global trading scene and remains a good region to do business with. The foreign ministers talking via video-conference also talked about boosting travel between the countries, amid fears over COVID-19.

In the third paper in RUSI's series on Russia and China in Europe, John Kampfner examines their interference and influence in Germany. Tables. EU data are compiled according to Community guidelines and may, therefore, differ from national data published by the Member States. Germany has described China as an important partner, but also as a competitor.Several important issues were on the table as Foreign Minister Heiko Maas met with Chinese counterpart Wang Yi via video-conference.They included the involvement of Huawei in the roll-out of 5G in Europe, with Germany still mulling whether to ban the Chinese telecoms giant from its infrastructure amid security concerns.The EU at present recommends a limited role for Huawei, but has stopped short of an all-out ban. Therefore the United Kingdom is considered as an extra-EU partner country for the EU-27. More. Germany's trade deficit with China amounted to 13 billion euros in 2018. Since Merkel took over as chancellor in 2005, German exports to China have risen fivefold to just under €100 billion last year.

Data for the non EU-27 countries used in figures 1-3 are taken from the UNCTAD database of the United Nations. "Tariffs and unilateral sanctions are the wrong path to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes from international trade. This commitment will impact industries from chemicals to clothing. Annual data.

Beijing ICP prepared NO.16065310-3Copyright © 2020 CGTN. Placed second and third, respectively, were France (105.3 billion euros) and China (93.1 billion euros). The People's Republic of China is again Germany's main trading partner. The tactics used by China and Russia vary. For extra-EU trade, the statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of customs declarations.

Progress in the fairness of international trade can only be achieved through multilateral negotiations within the framework of the WTO (World Trade Organization)," Gropp added.The Netherlands, as an important transit country for goods arriving at its ports, such as Rotterdam, Europe's largest harbor, was Germany's second largest trading partner. /CGTN Figure 4 shows the exports, imports and trade balance between the EU and China from 2009 to 2019. Eleven products were below 50 %, indicating EU imports from China were at least twice as large as EU exports to China. Even many Democrats have begrudgingly endorsed Trump’s hard-nosed approach toward China on trade and human rights.In the meantime, Merkel’s main priority with China is to get a planned trade deal with Europe back on track. "Tariffs and unilateral sanctions are the wrong path to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes from international trade. "Although China is not Germany's most important export destination, it is ranked first among the countries of import origin since Germany traditionally has a trade deficit with the Middle Kingdom," Juergen Matthes, head of the research unit for international economics and economic outlook at the German Economic Institute (IW), told Xinhua.

/CGTNThere was also discussion about the worsening crisis in Libya — with both sides agreeing to strengthen cooperation at the United Nations level as world leaders work to de-escalate the conflict.EU-China cooperation on the response to COVID-19 was raised with a focus on vaccine research.Both sides are keen to see EU-China travel routes reopen and for crucial supply chains to be protected as the world looks to emerge from the pandemic.Maas said he was pleased to see the pandemic under control in both Germany and China for now and he took it as a "sign of our cooperation and solidarity." According to preliminary results, goods worth 205.9 billion euros were traded between Germany and the People's Republic of China in 2019 (exports and imports). "China is currently facilitating access to its market for German companies in some areas," Matthes said.Germany's trade surplus was the highest with the United States, totaling 48.9 billion euros, followed by the United Kingdom (45 billion euros) and France (40.2 billion euros). BERLIN, Feb. 18 (Xinhua) -- China remained Germany's most important trading partner for the third consecutive year with a total trade volume of 199.3 billion euros (225.7 billion U.S. dollars) in 2018, according to preliminary figures published on Monday by the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).China accounted for the largest share of imports into Germany with goods worth 106.2 billion euros, followed by the Netherlands with 98.2 billion euros and France with 65.2 billion euros.