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Questa la tesi di Non solo, perché per il presidente ceceno le persone infette che consapevolmente violano la quarantena sono peggio dei terroristi: "Questi possono uccidere alcune persone ma gli ammalati ne potrebbero uccidere decine di migliaia". e P.IVA 06823221004 - R.E.A. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, 43, was hospitalized in Moscow on Thursday on suspicion of being sick with the new coronavirus, Russian agencies reported, the latest case from a senior Russian official infected with the disease. Arguing that the fears over the disease that manifests itself with flu-like symptoms have been blown out of proportion, Kadyrov called on the public to come to their senses and stop overthinking the problem. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov hospitalized, suspected coronavirus Chechen leader Kadyrov hospitalized, suspected coronavirus Renault under pressure, tensions in Hong Kong and Kadyrov hospitalized Russia: yellow on the Chechen president who would be hospitalized in Moscow for coronavirus infection Coronavirus: in Chechnya, Kadyrov threatens to dismiss dismissed caregivers Georgia journalist targeted for assassination attempt Coronavirus: death of father of MMA star Khabib Nurmagomedov - France 24 Chechen president hospitalized for suspected coronavirus - just a moment ago, doctors in distress barked at lack of protective equipment Sauli Niinistö and Angela Merkel had a telephone conversation about the case of Navalny - “We discussed it in detail” The last Swedish volunteer to defend Finland in the Winter War has died - a beautiful Runeberg poem in a death report published in HBL Sauli Niinistö also had a discussion with Vladimir Putin today Ship from Peru: Port of Hamburg: 1.8 tons of cocaine hidden in cat litter Russian opposition leader Navalny arrived in Berlin for treatment Soha Arafat: In the name of Sharifa Palestine, I apologize for the abuse of some of the beloved Emirates The fires in Palma force the evacuation of 300 people and 11 neighborhoods Latest information from Berlin: "The situation of Alexei Navalny is very worrying" Russian opposition leader Navalnyi was brought to a Berlin hospital in an ambulance hose The endocrinologist spoke about the possible impact of Navalny's diet on his condition New Corona Infected people in the world 2.32 million people 800,000 dead (3:00 am on the 23rd) Video: Well now by the way it happened! >> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation A "stable" state, but "under observation of doctors" Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has reportedly been taken ill with Covid-19. Dichiarazioni che stridono e non poco, dato che era stato proprio lui a diffondere una ricetta infallibile, a suo dire, contro il Covid-19: "Limone, miele e aglio". Milano n. 1690166
Ramzan & nbsp; Kadyrov, the Chechen leader placed at the head of this Russian republic by Vladimir Putin, was hospitalized Thursday in Moscow, & nbsp; suspected of being sick of the new coronavirus. - Sede Legale: Viale Luigi Majno 42, 20129 Milano - Registro Imprese di Milano Monza Brianza Lodi: C.F. The public agency Ria Novosti also reported the hospitalization of the 43-year-old Chechen official. The ball came to a sensitive spot at a rate of almost 170 kilometers per hour "Healthy" conditions for the reopening of schools in Dubai and Sharjah No, the ecologists are not "ayatollahs", defends Dupond-Moretti In Britain, the number of cases of coronavirus exceeded 324 thousand Contro il coronavirus niente cure, basta l'aglio.
He is under medical observation, “a medical source at the TASS state agency said, describing his condition as” stable “. Numerous diatribes against the sick “Ramzan Kadyrov was flown to Moscow, the coronavirus is suspected. Contro il coronavirus niente cure, basta l'aglio.
The powerful leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, has told an interviewer "I'm absolutely healthy", without denying reports that he was rushed to Moscow last week with suspected coronavirus. Kadyrov, the long-time head of his majority Muslim Republic, has offered his take on today's biggest issue – the coronavirus pandemic.
Questa la tesi di Ramzan Kadyrov, presidente della Cecenia, che guarda caso è ora malato di Covid. … Peccato che per lui sembra non aver funzionato.Editoriale Libero S.r.l.