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Voucher | Newsletter . It's an easy hike, suitable for the whole family but giving much satisfaction especially to those who love unique landscapes.The starting point is at the Zumis parking area (1725 m), from which one should take path MK4. 2 h; vom Herol-Lüsen Berg ( 1.640 m): 1 ½ h; vom Ellen Parkplatz Kreuzner (1.500 m): ca. 1 ¼ Stunde auf die Kreuzwiesen Alm. von der Zumis Rodenecker- Lüsner Alm ( 1.700 m): ca. An impressive plateau . Zu erleben gibt es hier nicht nur unberührte Natur und majestätische Berggipfel, sondern auch eine Vielzahl an netten Einkehrmöglichkeiten. DOVOLENOU V OBLASTI GITSCHBERG JOCHTAL . Enjoy the views of the Zillertal Alps and many other mountain ranges along a hike through the region. Surrounded by endless peace and quiet you have the time to concentrate on the essentials. Lush meadows, stunning panoramic views and a delightful sun plateau. Zahlreiche Alm- und Schutzhütten in Südtirol wurden Ende des 19. Nearly 350 meters after the road, there's a change of course leading to the left on a forest road that runs through the woods and alpine meadows.By following this path, one reaches the area of the Roner hut (1892 m), where there's another turn to the left, on path MK 68B.
Our phone number: +39 388 77 07 444. Umgeben von majestätischen Gipfeln geht es immer weiter, bis man eine Weggabelung erreicht, bei der man sich zwischen der Rastnerhütte und der Starkenfeldhütte entscheiden muss.Für beide Wegstrecken benötigt man in etwa je 5 Minuten. Once the Starkenfeld hut is reached, you are ready to go back towards the parking area.The entire trip doesn't last more than three hours and the maximum altitude gap is about 300 meters.This email address is being protected from spambots. Continue, in order to arrive at yourself. Request Book . Öffnungszeiten Alm- und Schutzhütten in Südtirol. Arrival. Despite being close to the main roads, the Rodenecker Alm is a quiet place, distant from the mundanity of the most famous ski resorts of the area, but not less charming than other renowned areas. Malga di Rodengo enchants with countless of opportunities. Restore your energy at the private wellness centre and experience the freedom of the mountains. We look forward to meeting you!
2 h; Im Winter ist die Straße bis zum Parkplatz Oberflitt geöffnet – ebenso der Parkplatz Tulper Gampis oberhalb von Herol. The Rastner hut is distant only a few tens of meters in altitude.
Welcome. Experience the homely atmosphere in the Tyrolean Chalet Village or on the traditional Fane Alm itself. 2 h; von Onach (1.480 m): ca. The Rodenecker Alm - A true paradise on earth. Patscher Alm, Patsch, Tirol, Austria. Booking . Tel.+39 0472 Hiking the Rodenecker Alm . By continuing to browse our website, you consent to the use of cookies.
Fantastic hiking trails, unforgettable winter experiences and untouched nature await you!
Traditional huts invite to delicious Alpine feasts. Book online Request. Winter walks, snowshoe hikes and ski tours bring peace and joy into your life. Dienstag Ruhetag Already thought about. This mountain summer offers hundreds of opportunities - thousands of adventures - unforgettable impressions.Leave your footsteps in the snow. Request. It's at the meeting point of the Eisack Valley and the Puster Valley that one can find the magnificent Rodenecker Alm and Lüsner Alm - vast mountain pastures with green meadows and grazing lands, surrounded by the grandeur of the mountain peaks.Despite being close to the main roads, the Rodenecker Alm is a quiet place, distant from the mundanity of the most famous ski resorts of the area, but not less charming than other renowned areas.Both in summer and in winter, the Rodenecker Alm and Lünser Alm offers its visitors unique sceneries, thrilling for their beauty.The best way to appreciate the scenery of the Rodenecker Alm is by heading out for a hike along the routes crossing it.