Also in November, a Of course all these glowing numbers represent the continuation of trend-lines that began during the Obama administration - a fact that a majority of the nation seems to acknowledge. Congressional Republicans also placed a stick of Obamacare dynamite in the tax bill the passed in December, repealing the requirement that all Americans buy health insurance as of January 2019. The Trump administration tackled the immigration issue pretty much right out of the gate, with its ill-fated executive order closing the US border to entrants from a handful of majority-Muslim nations. In the third quarter of 2017, gross domestic product growth hit 3.2%, the highest level since the first quarter of 2015. But one of the biggest ironies of Trump's presidency is that he has become a more effective catalyst for progressive social change than President Obama. She was pregnant and he didn’t really want the baby. While there are provisions to allow corporations to repatriate overseas earnings and changes to a more territorial-based business tax system to discourage outsourcing, there's little to encourage existing overseas factories to relocate back to the US. The latest measures have, at least so far, largely withstood legal challenge.Immigration enforcement has also been ramped up - 143,470 arrests for violations for the year ending in October - a 30% increase.Mr Trump also announced an end to the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca) programme, which granted normalised residency status to roughly 700,000 undocumented immigrants who entered the US when they were young. The move could lead healthier Americans to forego insurance until they get sick, driving up premiums.Meanwhile, under Mr Trump's watch, Congress has yet to renew a health-insurance programme for children from less-affluent families, causing concern among states that manage the system. The conflict in Afghanistan drags on, however, as the president increased the number of US troops there to 14,000. Trump's newly appointed Postmaster General, a staunch political ally named Louis DeJoy, has recently disrupted service all across the country. This comes less than a week after Trump explicitly admitted that he was withholding $25 billion in emergency funds that the USPS needed to ensure that absentee ballots could be delivered on time. Over the course of the year, the so-called Islamic State has been largely defeated on the battlefield and its influence curtailed. The president delivered a blunt speech to Nato allies in Belgium, surprising many observers by declining to reiterate US support for the pact's mutual-defence arrangements Mr Trump engaged in a very public exchange of insults with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, calling him "little rocket man" and saying his nation would be met with "fire and fury" if they continued their bellicose rhetoric. One of Trump’s advisors, Stephen Miller, is suspected to be Thanks in part to aggressive gerrymandering, the Republican party has consolidated control of state legislatures and governorships across the US. But the way Mr Trump has operated, and the way he has talked about how he is going about running the nation, has been one-of-a-kind.The Belarusian president has placed the army on alert, as he talks of an external military build-up. They supported the candidate who told them the system was broken, the other politicians on the stage with him were phony and the process was a joke.

"While it may not have happened quite so instantly, the first year of the Trump administration has seen a significant reduction in the amount of federal regulation, and no place has that been more marked than in the way the government deals with environmental issues.Shortly after his inauguration, Mr Trump gave final approval to several long-delayed oil pipelines.

The most notable use of US military force during Mr Trump's first year was his missile strike on a Syrian air base in response to that nation's use of chemical weapons. The Trump administration on Thursday announced a legal repeal of a major Obama-era clean water regulation that limited the amount of pollution and chemicals in … He's now had a year to show what that looks like in action.