It was a triumphant take on a battle most modern-day historians agree was a draw. Later, Battista returned in 1817 and succeeded in uncovering and then excavating Abu Simbel site.

Previously, the highly contentious King Akhenaton (1353-1336 BCE), had dedicated a magnificent temple to his queen The Abu Simbel site had been thought sacred to the worship of the goddess Hathor well before construction of the temples at that location. There they were re-assembled 210 metres (690 feet) northwest of their former location.Great deliberation went into ensuring both temples were oriented precisely the same way as previously and a faux mountain was assembled behind them to create an impression of temples carved into a natural cliff face.All the smaller statues and stelae surrounding the original complex site were relocated and positioned in their matching locations on the temples new site. Today it sits comfortably within the borders of modern Egypt.Rameses II also know as “The Great,” was a warrior king who looked to stabilize and secure Egypt’s borders while expanding its territory into the Levant. Abu Simbel liegt im Süden Ägyptens unweit der Grenze zum Sudan.

Fast wären die Tempel von Abu Simbel in den Fluten des Assuan-Stausees versunken. Keine Fuge durfte breiter als sechs Millimeter sein.Am westlichen Nilufer hatten Arbeiter in der Regierungszeit von Ramses II., dem Pharao aus der 19. They portray Rameses’ conquered enemies, Hittites, Libyans and Nubians. He is also reputed to have looted the temple complex of its remaining portable valuables.According to a version of the story behind the discovery has Burckhardt sailing down the Nile in 1813 when he glimpsed the Great Temple’s uppermost features, which had been uncovered by shifting sand.

Der Mann hieß Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. Abu Simbel Tempel: Mittlerweile befinden sich die Felsentempel nach einer Versetzung in den 1960-er Jahren auf einer Insel im Nassersee, die mit Abu Simbel über einen befahrbaren Damm verbunden ist. Bereits 1954 hatte Ägyptens Staatspräsident Gamal Abdel Nasser beschlossen, den Nil südlich von Assuan zu einem gigantischen Trinkwasserreservoir aufzustauen. Der gewaltige Staudamm mit einer 111 Meter hohen Mauer und einem 3800 Meter breiten Sockel sollte Dürrekatastrophen verhindern und die landwirtschaftliche Zukunft sichern. However, this proved to be incorrect. However, Rameses II’s commitment to construct his monumental temple complex at that locality, on a contended border with Egypt’s conquered territory in Nubia, indicates to other archaeologists a later date of 1244 BCE given construction would have needed to begin following Rameses II Nubian campaigns.

These stelae depicted Rameses vanquishing his enemies, together with numerous gods and goddesses. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Carved out of a sandstone cliff on the west bank of the Nile, south of Korosko (modern Kuruskū), the temples were unknown to the outside world until their rediscovery in 1813 by the Swiss researcher The 66-foot (20-metre) seated figures of Ramses are set against the recessed face of the cliff, two on either side of the entrance to the main temple. Rameses’ self-proclaimed triumph at Kadesh is also shown in detail sprawling across the Hypostyle Hall’s northern wall.By contrast, The Small Temple standing nearby is 12 metres (40 feet) high and 28 metres (92 feet) long.

In einem prunkvollen Staatsakt mit Gästen aus über 40 Ländern wurde der Umzug am 22. Following their completion, The Great Temple was consecrated to the gods Eventually Abu Simbel was abandoned, and slipped from popular memory to be buried by millennia of shifting desert sand. The site’s original ancient Egyptian title has long been lost.The Great Temple towers 30 metres (98 feet) high and 35 metres (115 feet) long. The king's tent is also depicted while another scene shows a council of The Small Temple stands nearby at a height of 40 feet (12 metres) and 92 feet (28 metres) long.

Graffiti inscribed on the southern pair by Greek mercenaries serving Egypt in the 6th century Just to the north of the main temple is a smaller one, dedicated to Nefertari for the worship of the goddess In the mid-20th century, when the reservoir that was created by the construction of the nearby

Sie zerlegten die Kultstätte mit Trockenseilsägen in 1036 jeweils maximal 30 Tonnen schwere Felsblöcke.