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In the absence of a member, their alternate shall be entitled to exercise the member’s right to vote.4. Stakeholders and relevant third parties may be invited to attend meetings of the ECCG and to participate in its advise and assist the Commission in its work to ensure the consistent implementation and application of this Title, in particular regarding the Union rolling work programme, cybersecurity certification policy issues, the coordination of policy approaches, and the preparation of European cybersecurity certification schemes;to assist, advise and cooperate with ENISA in relation to the preparation of a candidate scheme pursuant to Article 49;to adopt an opinion on candidate schemes prepared by ENISA pursuant to Article 49;to request ENISA to prepare candidate schemes pursuant to Article 48(2);to adopt opinions addressed to the Commission relating to the maintenance and review of existing European cybersecurity certifications schemes;to examine relevant developments in the field of cybersecurity certification and to exchange information and good practices on cybersecurity certification schemes;to facilitate the cooperation between national cybersecurity certification authorities under this Title through capacity-building and the exchange of information, in particular by establishing methods for the efficient exchange of information relating to issues concerning cybersecurity certification;to support the implementation of peer assessment mechanisms in accordance with the rules established in a European cybersecurity certification scheme pursuant to point (u) of Article 54(1);to facilitate the alignment of European cybersecurity certification schemes with internationally recognised standards, including by reviewing existing European cybersecurity certification schemes and, where appropriate, making recommendations to ENISA to engage with relevant international standardisation organisations to address insufficiencies or gaps in available internationally recognised standards.5. The website should also indicate the national cybersecurity certification schemes that have been replaced by a European cybersecurity certification scheme.The assurance level of a European certification scheme is a basis for confidence that an ICT product, ICT service or ICT process meets the security requirements of a specific European cybersecurity certification scheme. A copy of the EU statement of conformity shall be submitted to the national cybersecurity certification authority and to ENISA.4. ENISA will become the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, with a new permanent mandate. ENISA as established by this Regulation shall succeed ENISA as established by Regulation (EU) No 526/2013 as regards all ownership, agreements, legal obligations, employment contracts, financial commitments and liabilities.
In light of the rapid introduction and uptake of new technologies, the emergence of previously unknown cybersecurity risks, and legislative and market developments, the Commission or the ECCG should be entitled to request ENISA to prepare candidate schemes which have not been included in the Union rolling work programme.
ENISA should regularly inform the European Parliament about its activities.The public core of the open internet, namely its main protocols and infrastructure, which are a global public good, provides the essential functionality of the internet as a whole and underpins its normal operation. Copyright © 2020, Covington & Burling LLP.
This necessitates effective and coordinated responses and crisis management at Union level, building on dedicated policies and wider instruments for European solidarity and mutual assistance. Recommendation (EU) 2017/1584 recommends that Member States cooperate in good faith and share among themselves and with ENISA information on large-scale incidents and crises related to cybersecurity without undue delay.
Proceedings pursuant to this Article shall be brought before the courts of the Member State in which the authority or body against which the judicial remedy is sought is located.Member States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of this Title and to infringements of European cybersecurity certification schemes, and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. The strategic programming shall be updated where appropriate and in particular where necessary to address the outcome of the evaluation referred to in Article 67.1.
ENISA should increase its know-how and capabilities. The EU Cybersecurity Act grants a permanent mandate to the agency, more resources and new tasks.